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5 Months Later...

Toni and Babyface have barely seen nor spoken to each other since the African tour. The two have been back in the studio working on their own solo albums. Toni has been dating Dave long distance for the past four and a half months. They talk and FaceTime practically every night, often falling asleep while talking to each other.

Toni has a meeting with her staff today along with Babyface's manager/assistant today. Toni is sitting in Motown's private office ready to hear what the meeting is about.

Robert: Hey Toni.

Toni: Hey Rob. Afternoon everybody! How are you guys doing?

Ashton: We are doing great.

Bradley: The reason that we called this meeting is for the simple fact that Broadway is celebrating "After Midnight" anniversary in two weeks and they want you and Face to perform a song or two that you guys did when you were on Broadway almost two years ago.

Ashton: Are you up for the performance? Babyface has already agreed, we just wanted to know if you are up for it.

Toni's POV

A performance with Kenny? I haven't seen or heard from him since our African tour. Maybe this will be like old times. But wait! That is the same week that Dave is flying to come and spend a week in California on business. I really want to spend the week with him. I haven't seen him physically in months. Oh what the heck! I'll do it and spend my days off with Dave.

Toni: I'll do it.

Bradley: Great! I will get back to Babyface with your answer. Then I'll let you two know when is rehearsal and any interviews that you guys have to do together.

Toni: Thank you. I will see you guys soon.

The meeting ended and Toni called Tamar while walking to her car.

Tamar (answering her phone): What's up T?

Toni: Nothing much. I just left a meeting.

Tamar: For what?

Toni: Broadway wants Kenny and I to perform one or two songs that we performed in "After Midnight," for their anniversary.

Tamar was silent on the line.

Toni: Hello.

Tamar: I'm still here. I'm just trying to process what you just told me. You and Face haven't talked to each other in months! Does he even know that you're dating Dave?!

Toni: That's none of his business! He has his lovely family that he should be caring for, I'm just a friend.

Tamar: A friend that's still in love with him.

Toni: No I am not!

Tamar: Then tell me you're not in love with him.

Toni looked at her phone and did not answer.

Tamar: That's what I thought. Call the other sisters and I'll tell momma about the good news. Talk to you later.

Toni: Alright. Love you.

Tamar: Love ya too. Bye!

Toni got in her car and drove home to her boys.

During the next few days, Toni was getting ready to see Dave and perform for Broadway. Dave would not be meeting the kids yet, but soon.

Two weeks later... the day of "After Midnight" Broadway performance

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