Moving-in Together

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Since the engagement, Toni and Babyface decided to get married in only 3 months. They have been attending marriage counseling with their Bishop to prepare for the wedding. They occasionally argue like a normal couple do and the kids are getting along amazingly well. Today Toni and Babyface are looking for a house to buy.

Looking at Houses...

Amanda: This is house # 2. It was built in 2007 and has 6 bedrooms and 7.5 baths. There is a separate guest house in the back along with a private theater, office space, and swimming pool. I will say that this house has been on the market for a month.

Toni: I love how the outside looks. The grass is real and well-groomed and the driveway can accommodate lots of cars when our family comes to visit.

Babyface: I agree. Can we have a tour of the house?

Amanda: Sure, follow me and I will gladly show you two every single inch of the house. We do have two more house to see after this one.

Toni: I would like to see them before 6:00 pm. We have to get back to our kids, it's a school night for them.

Amanda: Okay, let's get to it then.

The Realtor began to show them the house, and they fell in with every detail of the house. The master suite had two walk-in closets with a freshly renovated bathroom.

Babyface: They have barn doors Tone.

Toni: My favorite! This house is everything that we're looking for and more.

Babyface: I love the deep bathtub, perfect for a couple dinner.

Toni (looking at Babyface, smiling): I like your thinking, babe.

Amanda: So, do you guys still want to look at the other houses?

Toni: What is the listed price for this house?

Amanda: Since it's been on the market for a month, the former owner has to drop its original price. So it's going to be-

Babyface: Don't worry about the price, I got it. Let's just go and see the other houses.

Toni: Are you sure?

Babyface: Positive.

Amanda: Perfect. I will meet you two at the third house in 15 minutes?

Toni: Yes.

Babyface intertwined his hand with Toni and walked towards their car. He noticed that a large yellow envelope was placed on the windshield. Amanda just honked and waived to them while driving away. Toni began to open the envelope.

Toni: I wonder what's in here.

Babyface: Maybe Amanda left us something in it to read about the houses we've been looking at.

Toni: Maybe.

Toni opened the envelope, and dropped it when she looked at one of the photos that was inside of it. Babyface looked at her.

Babyface: What's wrong?

Toni: Someone...someone...

Babyface grabbed the picture from Toni and stood there in shock. Someone took a picture of them while they were making love. The date on the picture matched the date that Toni went over to his house after finding out that he was divorced. Babyface quickly picked up the envelope.

Babyface: Someone is trying to blackmail us.

Toni: How did they manage to take this picture Ken? We were in the privacy of your bedroom.

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