Pick One

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Toni woke and realized that she was not in her own bed. She was still at Babyface's house. The sun had just risen. Toni checked her phone and realized that the sisters called her dozens of times last night. While checking her phone, Babyface walked into the room with a tray filled with breakfast. He had no shirt on.

Babyface: I hope you're hungry Tone.

Toni put her phone down and smiled at Babyface.

Toni: After last night, I am starving.

Babyface kissed Toni good morning and began to feed her breakfast.

Babyface: Would you like to spend the day with me today? The boys, of course, can come as well.

Toni: Ken, we still have not talked about things between us.

Babyface: We have time. I just want to spend the rest of the day with you. We will talk and lay everything out.

Toni: Okay. The scrambled eggs are good.

Babyface (laughing): I know, I cooked them.

Toni: So cocky and not afraid to show it!

Babyface: I'll show you my cockiness!

Babyface moved the breakfast tray off the bed and began to tickle Toni.

Toni: No! I'm sorry!

Babyface: It's too late. Say the magic words.

Toni: No!

Babyface: Say it or I won't stop.

Babyface tickled Toni until she was laughing in tears and red in the face.

Toni: Okay! Okay, you're handsome and mine!

Babyface: That's all you had to say.

Babyface flipped Toni onto her back and just stared at her.

Toni: What?

Babyface: You're so beautiful in the morning.

Toni: Oh hush. Get up so I can brush my teeth and freshen up.

Babyface grabbed Toni and hugged her.

Babyface: I'm serious Tone. Your natural beauty just stops my heart.

Toni (blushing): Thank you. Now get up and get ready. I gotta drive back to my house and get ready.

Babyface: Today is going to be a great day. I have awesome plans for us.

Toni went into Babyface's bathroom, brushed her teeth and washed her face. She kissed Babyface goodbye and drove to her home. However, what Toni and Babyface did not know was that someone was hiding in the bushes taking their picture.

Stranger: They won't know what hit them.

At Toni's House...

Toni: Boys! I'm home.

Toni went into the boys' room and couldn't find them until she saw them in the kitchen with Keri and the sisters.

Keri: Hey Tone.

Toni: Hey, what are you doing here?

Keri: The boys forgot their games at my house and I bought it back for them. You just coming in?

Toni: Um yeah. Boys get ready, we're somewhere in an hour or two.

Denim: Alright! Fun day.

Trina: How was your night Toni?

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