The Finale Pt. I

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Toni: Ken! Put that down.

Babyface (acting innocent): I didn't touch anything.

Toni: Really? Why do you have crumbs on the corner of your mouth then?

Babyface looked at Toni and began to laugh.

Babyface: You see what had happen was—

Toni (laughing): Save it, the appetizers are supposed to be the family when they get here for dinner.

Babyface: One less won't hurt anybody.

Toni: Since watching me prepare them, you've eaten four!

Babyface: Lies!

Toni busted out laughing as Babyface mimicked Tamar. However, what he did not know was that the sisters quietly walked into the kitchen, watching him.

Babyface: I only ate three. You can't be mad when I'm hungry. I've been booked to capacity all day, and he was hungry. Okay! Now let me grab one more since you thought I ate four. How about that!

Babyface grabbed one small egg-roll and turned around to sit down. Almost dropping the eggroll, Babyface looked at the sisters.

Babyface: Hey, how long have you guys been standing there?

Tamar: Long enough to say you tried it! I do not act like that!

Babyface (laughing, kissing her cheek): I'm sorry.

Traci: Nothing to apologize for. You got her down pack, high five my brother.

Trina: You deserve a round of apologize for that Kenny. You should definitely do more acting, that was Emmy winning!

The sisters (except Tamar): Encore! Encore! Encore!

Tamar: Have several m'kay.

Toni (laughing): You guys are early.

Towanda: You told us to be here by 7:30pm. It's 7:25pm, Tone.

Tamar: We would've been here earlier if Traci was dressed earlier.

Traci: At least we're still on time. So, is dinner ready?

Toni: No, everything should be done and placed at the dinner table by 8:00pm.

Tamar: Can I at least nibble on something, Tone.

Babyface: The baby egg-rolls are good.

Traci: Got any Soy sauce to go with them?

Toni (handing out the sauce): Here you go. Ken keeps coming into the kitchen stealing food.

Babyface (chuckling): I'm just checking to see if everything is ready to served.

Toni: Checking and tasting are two different things.

Babyface (walking to Toni): Not the last time I checked.

Toni began to blush as Babyface said something to her in her ear.

Tamar: This is why the food is still not ready. Stop being nasty!

Babyface: I'm going back to the living room, let me know if you need me.

Babyface let his hands roam Toni as he gave her a quick kiss.

Trina: I don't think dinner would've never finished if we didn't come on time.

Toni: Oh hush and let me finish. I'll be done in no time.

Tamar: Are you sure!

Toni (chuckling): Yes, you can help if you want.

Toni and the sisters continued to cook as the rest of the family stayed in the living room talking. In no time, dinner was being put into place on the dinner table.

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