Where Are They Now

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Toni: Ken! Boys! Peyton! Your food is getting cold.

Babyface: We're coming!

Denim: You always told us that we couldn't yell in the house, but you and dad yell all the time.

Toni (chuckling): That's because we bought this house.

Peyton: Mom 1, Denim 0.

Denim: Can't argue with you there ma.

Babyface: Tone, don't forget we have a meeting tomorrow at the studio.

Toni: I won't. Peyton and I are spending the day together here at home.

Diezel: Perfect, I have to speak to you guys about something important tomorrow.

Peyton: Is it regarding Ariel?

Diezel (smiling): Maybe, maybe not.

Toni: Whatever is, just let us know. Hopefully it's something good.

Denim: Oh, I forgot to tell you ma. Umba and Auntie Tamar called while you were taking a nap. You have a brunch meeting and interview in a few days. Something about WeTv.

Toni: I almost forgot about that! Thanks for relaying the message.

Babyface: Enough business talk. Let's talk about something else. How about we push family night to tomorrow night since everyone is leaving to fly back home in three days?

Diezel: I like that idea.

Denim: Sure, but we have to buy more games. (Laughing) Traci took the monopoly money the last we were playing.

Peyton: We can stop by the store and buy some games tomorrow mom before your meeting.

Toni: I honestly thought we wouldn't have any meetings so soon after the holidays.

Babyface: We're in a new year, and that means new musical adventures Tone.

Toni (pouting): I know.

They continued their dinner and eventually moved to the family theater room.

Babyface: Tonight's movie choice is up to me.

Toni: No more Star Wars please Ken.

Babyface: If I can't watch Star Wars tonight, you can't watch I Love Lucy when it's your turn to pick a movie.

Toni: Why not?

Peyton: I know that movie backwards, line for line by now mom.

Denim: Yeah, you have to find another movie when it's your turn. And it can't be House Hunters on DVD either.

Toni: You guys are fun suckers. (Walking away)Just sucking out all the fun.

Babyface: Where are you going? You always sit in my lap.

Toni: You agreed with them, so I'm sitting in one of the other chairs.

Babyface (laughing): Really?

Toni: Yup.

Peyton: Come on, we can still watch your selection. Just not those two.

Babyface: Yeah. And we're not watching Star Wars tonight. I decided to go all the way back and pull out Lean On Me, The Wiz, or Barbershop.

Denim: Nice! I vote for Lean On Me.

Toni: The Wiz.

Diezel: The Wiz.

Peyton: Barbershop.

Babyface: The Wiz it is. Den, dim the lights.

Babyface put the DVD in and sat in front of Toni. She moved again.

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