Chapter 13

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Lilith's pov

I haven't spoken to Oscar since he found out I revealed I was Azul, which was 3 days ago. 

Our plan should start the day after tomorrow, more precisely on Friday night. We have a mini break from school next week, so we took advantage of that so nothing would be suspicious. 

These three days I answered questions from everyone, showed them some tricks and told them about my experiences. 

Today, before sending me on a mission, Killian wanted me to get in the ring with him.

 Bad idea... he'll end up on the floor in the first 15 seconds. But as everyone says, Killian is one of the best fighters in the whole mafia world.

 It's a shame, but I'm in first place.

 Everyone said they wanted to come and watch, and Oscar also said he would come. I don't know what I care about, but everything that has the name Oscar in it interests me...

 I don't know, every time I see him something wakes up in me. I've never had a problem talking to someone before. Now, every time I want to speak with him, something stops me. Feel like I'm going to embarrass myself.

 I think I fell in love, no, too strong a word. Love is too strong a word for this. I'm not even sure what this is yet. I've never been sure with feelings, I've never known how to recognize them so this could be anything...

 "LILITH! Are you even listening?'' Nathan asked me as we left the school. 

''Yes, yes...''

 ''What did I say last?''

"The donuts in the canteen can't even be compared to grandma's donuts" 


"Actually you are very close..." he continued to talk but again I didn't listen to him.

 Grandma and my relatives are also coming today... Grandma, grandpa, aunts, uncles, cousins... I'm not used to so many people. My mom told me that everyone would like me and not to be nervous. 


They will arrive around 3pm and it's 2. So I have to take a shower- 

''Lilith! I'm not listening again'' Nathan said, getting angry like a child. "I listened, don't act like a child" 

"What was I talking about?"


 "Lilith! I don't always talk about doughnuts...'' he fell silent  ''... but you're right, I was talking about doughnuts'' I laughed at his childishness.


When I got home, I showered and changed

When I got home, I showered and changed

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