Mystic Mayhem

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(To clear things up this was originally posted on ao3 but I have to re-upload it a bit from now. While I do that I've reposted it to Wattpad so people from here can witness the story too. With all that said, please enjoy!)

POV - Frida

Playfully, the turtle jumped onto her siblings back with a loud holler that ultimately startled them. Sending both of them to the floor with a loud thud that echoed the dark hallways that made up their home.

"Whoopsie daisy..." The caramel coloured turtle whispered, quickly scrambling off her fallen sibling who looked more than annoyed which said a lot considering she always looked annoyed.
"Some warrior. Sometimes I wonder why he let you pass stealth 101." She watched as he stood up from the floor. Rubbing her arm with an annoyed huff.

"Don't be like that. Come on! The Baron asked for us and I'm not about to risk getting skewered because we're late."
Without giving her sibling time to process, she was already halfway down the hall. Letting the echoes of the room guide her words to her sister's ears.

"It's, Baron Draxum. He demands our respect so treat him with such." Their hands glide behind them. Straightening out and following her more than optimistic sister down the long stretch of corridor leading up to the open arch ahead of them.

"Right...Baronnnnn Draxummmmm!" The youngest of the two made sure to accentuate every part of his name, stretching it out for longer than she had to and watching as the freakish half-deer war maker, scientist, and criminal met her gaze with narrowed eyes.

"I got, Cleo!" She stood up tall and respectfully to her superior. Raising a hand to salute. To which the Baron narrowed his eyes further and hummed ever so slightly, his tone deepening in affirmation.

Eye filtering across the room in search of something interesting to stare at while her sibling caught up to her Freida caught the sight of a young pet trapped in one of Draxums mystic cages. Its overly sized front teeth were familiarly recognizable from something that their creator once told them about.

Something about a council and mystic stuff.
In all honesty she wasn't paying attention at all in favor of playing with her siblings' waist sash. Despite the countless annoyed grunts and huffs that he ended up responding with.

Right next to the creature looked like one of those fleshy things Draxum often told them about. Humans as he called them. Or maybe it was a dog! They'd never seen a dog before but it probably looked like that.

The very things they were taught to destroy no matter what. Humans, not dogs for clarification. Because if not, then yokai kind as we know it could cease to exist.

"Is there a reason you called us here?" Monotoned sibling asked while stepping forward.

"Right. I need you two to collect a few things from the room over. Trinkets I may need to use"

An annoyed sigh escaped Frida as she slumped her shoulders, "We're war machines. Not errand turtles..." She mumbled.

"Something you would like to share with us, experiment?" The intimidating form of Baron Draxum stood just above Frida, his form making her curl into herself a tiny bit and step back just out of his shadow.
"Nothing, Sir. Anything specific you would like today?"
She said, drifting the conversation in a different direction.

He turned to his machinery thoughtfully, tapping a finger to his chin with a hum.
"Only parts that are marked with purple. You may not take anything other than that. Are we clear?"

Draxum's hands moved behind him once more. Staring down at them with the same eeriness he always carried himself with. His piercing gaze made them reflexively stare into the ground as a familiar unease settled on their shoulders.

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