Bug Busters

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Cleo's POV

Of course the best info they get on the turtles whereabouts in forever comes from those insipid gargoyles. Cleo's never really been fond of the special privileges they get. They're basically henchmen and yet they've got their own bed in the living room, are able to talk to Draxum without being worried about repercussions AND get vacation days? Freida and Cleo have never even been on a vacation! And how much are they being paid??? Apparently enough to take a free day to go watch the Battle Nexus in Big Mama's hotel, spirit's know those prices are sky high with how she runs things.

After receiving an emergency alert from Huginn and Muninn about the same group of turtles they'd just infiltrated speeding around town in some jacked up tank hunting down Draxum's bugs; they were ordered to infiltrate the hotel and make sure the bugs don't end up in the hands of Big Mama.

After the last time something of his was in her care? He wasn't taking any chances that could lead to his research being set back yet again.

The high rise of Big Mama's hotel loomed over the city below. The setting sun upon the horizon spilled the first shadows of the evening. Freida looked over the side of the building, harness secured so as not to fall. The city was breathtaking. The skyline painted a forest of steel and glass, each tower aiming to touch the sky. From this high up the noise of the city was muffled, reduced to a distant hum that swept along the cool breeze carrying hints of rain and ozone.

Standing there, amidst the urban sprawl, Freida couldn't help but feel a blend of awe and insignificance. The city was vast and restless, heights such as these were unachieved by the Hidden City. Freida's heartbeat echoed through her chest as her breath evened out, the view could inspire a profound sense of solitude amidst the bustling anonymity of millions.

She crouched down, perching like a vulture, the shadow of her chosen scarf for this mission covering her face as a white eye peeked out, undertoning a purpose. She and her sib-sib have been tasked with saving the city from an evil masked villian with plans of murdering the president. Only they have the mysterious vigilante backstory and wealth, left to them by their late parents who died in a mysterious incident during their adolescent years, to complete this mission. But don't worry, they aren't using their wealth to stop world hunger or fix climate change, oh no they are using it to rid the streets of evil and it all starts today. For we are Pop Rocks, the most morally gray but super hot vigilants of the entire subplot of the larger movie. The ones that people end up falling in love with, the ones that end up being much more popular than our main heroes-


The dramatic music in the background record scratches and comes to a halt. Lifting her head to lock eyes with her sib-sib who is tapping their toe impatiently, waiting with their own harness and grappling hook.

"Could you stop brooding for one second? This all may just be a fanfiction to you but It's very real to me. I'm the oldest so I'm in charge of making sure both of us don't die." Cleo could no longer remain sill, he took to pacing nervously, "You know this place makes me want to jump outa my own shell and into another dimension so please I need you to listen to me and take this seriously." punctuating his point by finally facing Freida.

"Sorry sib-sib-"


"I honestly stopped listening after you said 'super secret mission' then I crafted us a whole vigilante origin story. You see it all started when we were born-"

"ENOUGH move your ass!"

"Oki Doki! Let's go get ourselves killed!" and with that she tumbled off the building in a graceful back handspring.

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