Shell in a Cell

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POV - Cleo

He wouldn't have thought to enjoy this so much. In all honesty when Raph mentioned the foreign sport known as "Wrestling", Cleo thought it sounded silly and a little confusing. But after she was formally invited to hang out above the stadium with felt like a star aligning in his favor. A way to get interested in their interests, study the target while also having fun himself.

And he was really having fun with this. From a clear point of view the punching looked fake but the energy was so real. They could really get into it if they gave themselves permission.

She hardly paid attention to the clear cut arguing just behind her as she was leaning and staring mesmerized at the crowd in the stands and the fight feet below them.

"You've never even heard of boxing before?" Asked the orange one with intrigue. It was clear he was distracting himself from the fight behind them.

"Nope. My sister and I weren't allowed media like this." They kicked their legs over the side of the edge.



"I can understand why though. The energy is infectious," Cleo's eye gained a dangerous glint, "you can probably get away with anything in a group like that. It's guaranteed you aren't the freakiest one in the crowd."

Donnie shot the punk a side eye "Normally I'm the one with the sinister looks should I be worried?"

"You're just mad that my presence is haunting and off putting and yours isn't"

A bell rings down below and Jessica is giving final speeches. "Ghostbear is the last man in the ring. And when I raise his arm he will be officially 200 and 0!"
Donnie isn't even given time to recover before Leo appears in front of him. Which is worrying because right in front of him just so happens to mean he's plummeting to the ring below.

"Avenge me!!!"

Leo somehow nails the landing while simultaneously smashing ghostbear into the ring. The crowd holds a collective gasp, whispers flitting around about the newcomer who fell from the rafters.

Mikey reflexively curls up "People are gonna see him!".

The situation was dire, there was no telling how people would react to a turtle man falling from the ceiling and taking out a beloved figure in the wrestling community.

"Well, I hope Leo gets home okay. You guys ready to go?"

Everyone looked at him in shock for even suggesting it.

Carrying on like a true improv kid Jessica raised the hand of the new champion. "And the mystery wrestler of the hour– erasing Ghostbear's flawless record, and your new champion is, uh... THIS GUY!".

Cleo's blood immediately spiked into an unidentified rage at how he had wrongfully disrupted the match like that. Something like this should be worked hard for and struggled for and– and– UGH! Everyday he chooses to be kind but restraining from violence right now is nearly impossible. And apparently Raph felt the same.

Mere moments after the incident had occurred, each of them dashed from the opening. Tumbling through the upperlevels of the stadium and descending to the exit hallway where they all sit in the rafters observing Leo and Jessica.

Much to Donnie's confusion, Cleo had extensive knowledge in the art of stealth. They were able to keep up with them even with all their dangling accessories and flashy hair she never made a sound. He pulled Mikey aside and whispered something into his ear. And since they were literally right next to each other in the ceiling it was hard to not hear them but Cleo decided to pretend that he didn't because there were other things at stake right now.

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