Hypno! Part Deux

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POV - Cleo

"Oh come on! Lighten up a bit, Jens. This is peak High School right here." April spread her arms out to gesture to the high school behind her that somehow shon in glorious light at her statement, a choir hums a chorus to emphasize the awe of April's statement. Only for it to all be popped at the scoff Jennika gave.

Accompanied was a roll of his eyes and him crossing his arms like a child. When April had asked him if he'd like to join her at her school dance, he nearly threw up. If his research were to be correct, and he knows it's never not, high school dance invites are normally a factor in the equation of confessions, and he feels like he's stalked April enough to know that the possibility of that happening is 0%.

Plus the way she came up to him after school was noteworthy. Shimmying up to his side, and constantly looking back to the corner she came from. A corner that his sister was not so subtly hiding behind. April's demeanor screamed that she didn't want to be there. Her feet were positioned away from him, indicating the reluctance of this conversation, and her eyes were cast about looking for anything other than him to look at.

"Hey Jens- Jennika, can I call you Jens?"


"COOL - ahe- cool cool... Anyhoo, there is this yearly school dance happening tomorrow, I'm sure you've seen the posters in the comp. sci. Lab. And I was wondering if maybe you'd like to tag along?"

The idea of publically socializing made Cleo's pulse quicken.

It was clear that Frida had put her up to it. Her hands were curled around the edge of the corner and her knuckles were nearly white from squeezing that side. Her eyes were wide and staring her down, she honestly might pop a blood vessel. Ever since the mission at Big Mama's hotel she's been breathing down his neck, most likely in an effort to get him out of his shell. He releases his held breath and gives a low chuckle at his own joke.

April lights up at the sound, taking it as a yes apparently, and before he knows it she's swung an arm around his shoulders, quite strained considering their height difference, and marches him down the hallway speaking something about 'formal dress' as well as throwing a not so subtle thumbs up behind her.

The worst part is, Cleo doesn't even know why she still agreed to come along. Was it for herself? She knows she's not the most social person but that's just because conversations are battlefields she's yet to fully come out unscathed from, however she does know that aspect of herself makes for some lonely nights while Freida hangs out with the friends she has. They've long accepted that friendship is something they can live without.

Okay so if she's content with her friendship situation then was this for Freida? The idea of making her happy fills him with purpose so he does suppose that could be the reason.

"Quit brooding Marilyn Manson, we gotta show up now if we wanna be fashionably late and I need my emotional support entity of questionable moral standing to keep myself from being sneered at by the popular kids."

April reaches for Jennika's arm and begins to drag their reluctant self through the trees they were hiding behind. You know, as normal teenagers do.

The towering building reeked of bad mojo already. Cleo's attempts at deciphering the vibe were unsuccessful as the fear of being watched and stared at outweighed everything else.

Other students crowded outside from the building. Everyone grouped to their own cliques and started lengthy conversations with each other. April was grinning from ear to ear and stuffed her hands into her pockets to try and match Jennika who walked with a purpose, albeit a tad slouched, laser focused on the entrance of the school.

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