Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


Today is the day I will speak to him.

I knew I'd been saying that for almost a month, each time as futile as the previous one. But that time, I was absolutely certain. It was like when the striker has the ball in the sixteen-yard area and he just knows he's headed for goal. I never liked soccer, or was ever good at it, but I was pretty sure the feeling was similar.

Anyway, back to my main point. That day, on the chilly morning of October fifteenth, would be the day that I, Peter Bartleby Thaddeus Mahealani, finally gathered up the courage to walk up to and speak to Christian Young.

Christian Young...

His name was just so perfect. It was the kind of name that only actors and desperate housewives had. I should've known, considering my loving parents had cursed me with two disturbing middle names - no offence to the Bartlebys and Thaddeus' of the world. Or is it Thaddei?

Geez, just the thought of Christian distracted me. Actually seeing him was another story entirely. It was as if the rest of the world was completely irrelevant, and only he and I existed. I wondered for a brief moment if I would really be able to say a word to him.


I saw - but first heard - my best friend, Kayla Van Grayson, as I entered the gates of Alpine Hills High. She ran up to me and leapt off her feet, wrapping her arms around my neck. "I haven't seen you in like, forever!"

I rolled my eyes, setting the girl down. "Kayla, I slept over at your house on Friday. You dragged me to the mall on Saturday. You came over to my house for lunch yesterday."

She frowned for a moment, and then a huge grin filled her face. "Oh yeah! Well, seventeen hours sure feels like forever."

"Mm-hmm," I replied, shaking my head. We walked off into the school, Kayla's petite, five-three stature against my five-nine. Okay, so I wasn't all that tall but what I lacked in height, I made up in personality and the ability to squirt milk out of my eyes. True story.

"So, how's it going in Christian land?"

I glanced at her with an excited expression. "I'm totally gonna do it today. Seriously, if anything I'm going to at least greet him."

Kayla scoffed. "You've been singing that song for a month now. Some songs are just meant to die. Why won't you kill the song, Pete, why?"

"I would if I could," I replied, shrugging my backpack higher on my shoulders. "But I was hooked ever since that day I clumsily bumped into him."

She sighed. "Here we go."

"I mean, he could have said a wide array of mean things, like 'what the hell' or 'watch where you're going, moron' like the rest of the idiots at this school. But no, he apologized!"

I could still remember it as clearly as I could the alphabet. Christian had grabbed my shoulders before I could fall, steadying me up. Then he whispered a glorious I'm sorry, before jumping onto a majestic horse and riding away into the sunset in slow motion.

Although there was a slight chance that last part was a quirk of my twisted imagination. A very slight chance. I exhaled with a reminiscent smile as we sat down on the low wall next to the school building's entrance. "And so began the spiral of misguided affection."

"More like the downward spiral of misguided obsession," Kayla muttered. "Peter, when are you going to accept that guys like him aren't into little people like us, let alone other guys?"

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