Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


"Would you like something to drink?"

It was a cliché question, but sometimes I just didn't know how to be around Peter without the fear of making a complete idiot of myself. I tried to remind myself that he had feelings for me as well, but with everything I'd saddled him with, it was only a matter of time until his temper caused him to snap and leave.

"I've been dying for a cup of coffee," he sighed, resting back on the couch. I smiled and nodded, heading towards the kitchen. "Although," he said hesitantly, and I stopped and turned my head. He blushed, looking down slightly. "Could I maybe just have something to eat instead? I had breakfast today, but I feel like I've been starved for a week."

I laughed, resuming my voyage to the kitchen. "It comes with the lycanthropy," I called as I opened the food warmer. "That's the proper term for being a werewolf, by the way."

It was early in the evening. We had given up trying to figure out why Peter's senses were stronger than Dannon's and mine, since the pack was coming over. After Peter had left, we spent the afternoon watching an action-comedy, during which the main activities were horseplay and the throwing around of popcorn.

After that, they also left, leaving me to deal with the cleanup. Shane tried to stay behind, insistent on helping me out, but I told him not to worry about it. After I'd finished up, I had the strangest urge to talk to Peter. I called him up, lucky to find that he hadn't gone home, but was wandering around the woods where we'd spoken the day before. I rushed over in my car to pick him up, and brought him back to my house.

"Anyway, our metabolisms run faster than humans' do," I continued as I grabbed a few roast beef sandwiches, a serving of salad, and pieces of fried chicken, which I had made earlier for the guys, and placed it on a large plate. I poured out a glass of juice, grabbed a few serviettes, and put everything on a tray. "So we need more food in our systems. It's lucky for you – you need a little more meat on your body to match that new muscle."

"Geez, you're starting to sound like my parents," he groaned as I came through into the living room, tray in hands. I placed it down on the coffee table in front of him, and his eyes glued onto it. "Thanks."

Without delay, he grabbed a sandwich and took a gargantuan bite, chewing quickly. In the other hand, he took a chicken piece and sunk his teeth into it, ripping the flesh off the bone with an almost artistic flair. He delved through about three more sandwiches before he paused, his eyes darting up to me. He swallowed quickly, bringing his free hand to his reddened face. "Sorry."

"You don't need to apologize," I chuckled, grinning. "There's no reason to be embarrassed around me."

He shook his head, picking up a serviette and wiping his mouth. "You know, I still can't wrap my head around the fact that you actually like me."

"I think I've made it clear that I more than just like you, Peter," I replied, leaning forward in my seat. "And why wouldn't I? You're amazing."

A bashful smile appeared on his face, and he looked down. I smirked and grabbed a sandwich. "Although, when you think about it, we barely know each other. I think we should change that." I took a bite out of my sandwich, chewed quickly and swallowed. "You said just now that I sounded like your parents. Why do you say that?"

He pursed his lips momentarily, and then sighed. "My parents are always on my case about how thin I am. My dad grew up in Hawaii with seven brothers." He looked up with an indifferent expression. "For them it was all about sports, and being active, and willfully slamming into each other full force because it was apparently fun." He rolled his eyes. "So when he had kids, he raised them pretty much the same way. I didn't have much fun, but my brother, on the other hand, was a natural. So they always want me to be more like him."

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