Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


The shrill ring of the bell signaled the end of the school day.

And apparently, it also woke me from an intense daydream. As I was shocked back into reality, I realized I had drifted away with my head balanced awkwardly on the back of my wrist, the open page crumpled in the book under my elbow and, to my immense embarrassment, a post-it note stuck to my cheek.

I quickly pulled the adhesive, yellow thing off my face and, narrowing my eyes as the class began to file out, I turned to my right, where Kayla sat with a mischievous grin. She shrugged as she got up from her seat, throwing her bag on her shoulder. "I couldn't possibly wake you. It was more beautiful than any Picasso."

"I'm glad you see my awkwardness as art," I muttered indignantly as I pushed my chair back. I stood up, closing my book and shoving it into my bag, and following up with my pen and pencil. I zipped up and gripped the bag in my hand, and followed Kayla out of the class.

"I'm glad I get to see your awkwardness at all," she said as we trudged down the hallway, me locking onto her voice and drowning out the buzz of the masses exiting the school. "I didn't see you all weekend. I was starting to feel like a recurring character in your life story."

"Oh please, Kayla, you know you're main cast," I chuckled, bumping her on the shoulder. "I've just been, well, busy these days. And things are a little... weird at home right now." The smile on my face faded, and I thought of the dead-silent breakfast in the kitchen that morning. My mom didn't even protest when I'd taken my food and gone up to my room. I still wasn't sure how to react to that.

We reached the lockers, stopping at Kayla's first, and she unlocked the door. "Now, being the inquisitive and mildly obnoxious person that I am, you know I must ask you to elaborate," she replied as she pulled some books out and stuffed them in her bag. "However, I will give you the option of withholding that information."

"Honestly, it's a wonder you get C's for English," I sighed. "But I'm afraid I'll have to take that option. It's too crazy to even talk about."

She scoffed. "I will remind you that you're talking to the girl who learned how to take apart and reassemble a gun before her eighth birthday. And broke into the zoo the year after that to pet a bunch of llamas. Crazy is fairly relative for me."

The girl had a point. I twisted my mouth in agreement, and continued down the row, pausing at my locker. I opened it and put my own books in my bag, the increase in weight making no difference to me, and then something caught my attention – a familiar smell. It was one that I found to be particularly enthralling. I shut my locker and, sure enough, there Christian was leaning against the adjacent locker, smiling that amatory smile of his. "Hey."

"Hi," I mumbled in return, staring into his beautiful eyes. They were a sapphire splendor that I could watch all day. He stared back silently at me, and I couldn't help but grin. "What is it?"

He was quiet for a moment, but then he exhaled deeply. "Your lips, and how much I want to kiss them right now."

I bit my lip as a shortness of breath overcame me, and I felt my cheeks begin to redden. "You must say that to all the boys you bite and supernaturally transform into half-wolves."

He shook his head. "Only the ones whose roofs I sleep on."

I didn't think it was possible, but my grin grew even wider. His did, too. "God, I love that smile."

I would have realized that I was on the verge of giggling like a little schoolgirl, if I wasn't focused on the friction that had begun in my jeans. Mortified, I quickly held my bag in front of me. "You can't just say things like that to me in the middle of a school hallway. I don't have the discretion of the female species."

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