Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


"So you're a werewolf."

It was the first thing that Peter had said since we had gotten to the woods; I hadn't even spoken yet. I stopped walking and turned around. He pursed his lips and shrugged, putting his hands in the pockets of his dark green hoodie. "It wasn't that hard to figure out. Well, actually, it was pretty obvious now that I think about it, if I put together everything that happened."

I couldn't help the wave of guilt that I felt, and rightfully so. He'd been going through the transition without having a clue what was going on. If I was being honest with myself, I hadn't properly thought this plan through. I'd only had one thing on my mind – that if I didn't turn him, I would lose control one day and he'd end up dead.

I nodded quickly, turning back and continuing on into the forest. "Yes. I'm a werewolf," I replied. "It helps that you're being very calm about it."

"I think I've done enough freaking out for one day," Peter scoffed, the sound of grass crunching underfoot telling me that he was keeping up. "So does that mean... Does that mean that I'm a werewolf now?"

"Technically, yes," I said, veering aside from a termite mound that was in the way. "Collectively we're all called werewolves, or just wolves. But you're what we call a lycan."

"What's a lycan?" he asked, suddenly walking beside me. He was only a few feet away, and the smell of his scent was almost overwhelmingly irresistible. I kept my attention forward. Now was not the time to lose my focus. I had a lot to explain.

"A lycan is a human who has been bitten by a werewolf," I told him. I hesitated, before saying the next part. "If he... survives the bite, then he becomes a lycan."

"You mean I could have died from the bite?" he said, his voice rising. I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye, and nodded. He didn't really seem upset; he was more stunned, than anything. "Well, it's good to know the universe is on my side," he muttered. "So you're not a lycan?"

"No, I'm a pure werewolf," I answered. Peter lifted a disapproving eyebrow. I shook my head quickly. "It isn't a classist term, or anything. By pure I mean that I wasn't turned; I became a werewolf by birthright. I was born to two werewolves."

He nodded, seeming to understand. "Well then, other than that, what's so different between a pure werewolf and a lycan?"

"For one, werewolves are stronger," I said, feeling like I was trying to remember notes I'd learnt for an exam. "And they can full-shift – become a wolf – whenever, not just on the full moon. Oh, and lycans can't make other lycans. Only a pure werewolf bite can turn someone."

"That's good to know. I wouldn't wanna accidentally make someone into a shapeshifting, man-wolf hybrid." He frowned ruminatively. "Oh, okay, what happens if two lycans have a child?"

"He or she will also be a lycan, just like the parents."

"And if a werewolf and a lycan have a child?" He looked up diffidently at me. "I'm sorry; it's just all so new to me. Well, not new, exactly, but still... I'm just trying to learn as much as I can."

"Don't apologize, I'm glad you're asking questions," I replied. "The child would, for all intents and purposes, be a lycan. He would be stronger than a child of two lycans, but still not as strong as a werewolf."

He lifted his brows, and nodded. "And if a werewolf or a lycan has a child with a human? Or does that also follow the whole... gene pool strength hierarchy, shall we call it?"

I bit my lip. We had reached the fateful subject. I frowned hard. "That's actually not possible. A werewolf being with a human, I mean."

Peter scoffed loudly. "What, is there some kind of supernatural law against fraternizing with humans?"

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