Chapter 4

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TW // self-harm


Chapter 4


I burst through the bathroom door. I was breathing heavily, gripping the doorframe as I changed back to my normal form. I heard the sound of a stall door swinging open and looked up; some guy in a wifebeater and shorts had walked out. I narrowed my eyes at him, and he quickly ran out of the room.

As the sound of his footsteps grew fainter down the hallway, I walked over to one of the basins. I looked in the mirror, seeing that my eyes still burned a bright yellow. I breathed in deeply, trying to calm myself. The color slowly faded, dissipating like melting shards of ice in water, and they reverted to blue.

You hurt him, I told myself, staring blankly at my reflection. You said you wouldn't hurt him, and you did.

I buried my face in my hands. How on earth could I have let it happen? Dannon warned me, and I'd already known the danger of being too close to him. I couldn't bear to imagine what would have happened if I wasn't able to stop. I knew I had to pay for this somehow. I had to suffer for what I had done.

I looked up at the mirror again, staring at myself. I reached with one hand for the hem of my t-shirt and pulled it up. I held out my other hand in front of me, watching as black claws pushed out of my fingertips. Then, with seized breath, I speared my hand into my side.

I growled in pain, but sunk my claws deeper inside. After a moment, I pulled my hand out, leaning over the sink and letting the blood seep out and down the drain. I glanced at the wound, where there was already a faint line of flesh growing back. I knew that it an hour's time it would be like nothing had happened.

I turned on the tap, running water over my hand, cleaning the claws thoroughly before they could disappear into my fingers. I rinsed off all the blood from the sink, grabbed a paper towel and wiped my hand and a few drops that had fallen to the floor. I took a few more to staunch the flow from my wound, and pulled my shirt over the mass.

I grabbed my jacket, which had fallen when I walked in, and put it on. If I kept my hands in my pockets, I could keep putting pressure on the wound. I'd just have to wait until I was completely healed before going anywhere near Dannon and the others.

I felt something in my pocket. The pendant. I pulled it out and stared at it. I'd quickly stuffed it in when I...

I put it around my neck, feeling the familiar faint sting of the silver. I pushed on the bathroom door and walked out.


"Are we good to go?"

All seven of them were standing around in the faint light of dusk. They turned as I breezed in, shifting back. I'd managed to get a change of clothing, for obvious reasons.

"Not yet," Dannon replied, frowning visibly. I knew he'd want to know what happened earlier on. But he'd let it go for now. He would wait until we were alone. "We were waiting for you. I was actually about to give the orders myself, though, considering it's almost time."

There was a tone of annoyance in his voice, but I ignored it. He was well within his right. I directed my reply to him, as well as the others. "Truly sorry I'm late, guys. But there's no time like the present. Eli, Allison, you guys are on chain duty."

"Really, Chris?" Allison carped, folding her arms and narrowing her eyes at me, like she always did when she was upset. Or around Eli. "You're pairing me up with him?"

"Come on, sweetness," Eli cooed, winking at her. "We both know you just love the idea of being near me."

She scoffed angrily, walking off to the cave nearby. "Not even in your wildest dreams, Jones."

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