Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


"Well... That was something," I laughed as we dawdled along the edge of the woods. The trees thinned out as we neared my house, the waning moon's light transitioning from feeble filter to shafts of brightness. The night air was cool, although I could only tell from the mist in the air as I spoke; I barely ever felt the cold on my skin these days.

It was late, later than I'd ever gone home before. Christian and I had spent the whole evening talking, laughing... amongst other things. And somewhere along the line, the time had run away from us.

"Just another one of my many wolfish talents," Christian chuckled, slipping his hand into mine as we passed through the tree line and into my backyard. He stepped forward and turned to face me, taking my other hand as well. "Thank you for tonight, Peter. I really enjoyed it. Even the rough parts, because... I think I needed it."

"So did I," I replied, smiling. "I just wish we didn't have to end it."

"Don't worry, I won't be far. I'll just be right here, lying on your roof like the supernatural pervert that I am," he replied with a smirk. His hands slid up my arms, stopping just above my elbows, and he slowly pulled me closer. "I don't think I can spend another moment away from you."

It was when Christian said things like that, that I worried it was all some incredibly long and unfair dream. It seemed so impossible that he would ever actually be interested in me, and now... now he told me that I was his whole world. And I was starting to feel the same.

I leaned towards him, all but pressing myself against him, and placed a hand on his face. I stood on the tips of my toes and gently placed my lips on his. As careful as I tried to be, though, I still felt the heat of the moment, the intense burning inside that threatened to overpower me. I pulled away from him and smiled, staring into his blue eyes. "Goodnight, Christian."

"Goodnight," he muttered, with a breathless edge to his voice, and slowly released me. I rested my hands in my pockets and turned around, willing myself not to turn back. I walked around the side of the house and, unable to stop myself, I looked over my shoulder. Christian was against the large pine in the backyard, and in the next few seconds had shot up to the top. I grinned and rushed to the front door, wanting to get to my room as quickly as possible.

I burst into the house, and stopped dead in my tracks. The scene before me was completely opposite to how I was feeling in that moment. The room was tense and frantic. Dad paced back and forth behind the couch, shouting angrily into his cellphone. Mom sat with her hands to her face, the faintest of sobs coming from her throat. The only regular sight was Payton, who had his feet on the coffee table, eyes glued to the football match on television.

Immediately alarmed, I rushed forward and exclaimed, "What's going on?"

Both my parents' face shot up in my direction. My mother leapt up from her seat and rushed at me, throwing her arms around me. My father exhaled slightly, his fingers tightening on his phone. "He's come back, officer. I'm sorry for wasting your time."

My eyes widened as I realized what was happening, my body responding to my mother's embrace. "You guys thought- I'm so sorry, I was... I was at a friend's house, and I guess we lost track of time."

"Lost track of time?" The words had come from right in front of me. My mother slowly stepped back, a menacing look in her eyes. "A few hours after sunset is losing track of time," she exclaimed, slapping me repeatedly on the arm. "It's midnight, for God's sake! And you don't even have the decency to answer your phone?"

I stood motionless, allowing my mother to vent her frustration and anger. "I'm really sorry, Mom. I switched it off earlier; I must've forgotten to put it back on."

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