Chapter 3

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TW // disordered eating


Chapter 3


Either I was dreaming, or I was going crazy.

Surprisingly, I found the latter conclusion more believable. I distinctly remembered Wyvern lapping at my cheek until I woke up. That, and my insanity was inevitable. So, standing in the middle of my backyard, I couldn't find any other explanation.

I'd seen it by chance when I opened the window. It was an unusually sunny day, and I was watching the shafts of sunlight that fell through the clouds onto the ground, when I saw a glint of silver in the grass. I squinted at the flash of light, but I couldn't tell what it was.

I raced out of my room, taking the stairs two at a time. I went in through the kitchen and breezed past the dining area, where my family was already at breakfast. I wasn't surprised that nobody had called me – they usually didn't. I burst out the back door, feeling unusually nervous and excited.

I wandered aimlessly around, looking for the silver gleam. A stream of light shone down on the lawn again and I saw it, entwined with the grass. I took three steps and bent over to reach for the silver necklace. It slipped through the blades of green as I picked it up, and I didn't need to look twice to know who it belonged to.

It didn't make any sense. I was pretty certain I'd seen it around Christian's neck every single day at school; it didn't seem like something he could just lose by accident. Then there was the complete irrationality that he'd been in my backyard.

I ran a finger along the silver pendant with a large, yellow stone on it. I mused that it maybe belonged to my mother, but I'd never seen her wearing it. I would ask her either way, though, because there was just no quantifiable reason for Christian's necklace being anyway near my house.

"Hey Mom, is this yours?" I questioned, holding up the chain as I walked back into the kitchen. She looked up at me. Dad glanced up for a moment, before returning to his scrambled eggs and his morning paper. Payton's eyes never left his food.

"My, that is beautiful," Mom marveled, looking completely wonderstruck, her hand reaching for her neck. "I don't think so, honey. I'm pretty sure I would've remembered buying it."

I shook my head, even though part of me knew that was the answer she would give me. I stared at the necklace warily. "It was lying in the backyard. I think I know whose it is, but it just doesn't... Uh, I'll return it today."

Mom chuckled. "Well whoever that is has some good taste, I'll tell you that."

I smiled and turned, headed for the archway into the living room.

"Peter!" Mom called after me. "Aren't you going to sit down and have some breakfast?"

I rolled my eyes at the fact that she thought I wouldn't figure out what she was doing. I looked back and shook my head. "Nah, I've gotta get to school early and I haven't showered or packed my bag yet."

She scoffed. "Oh come on, honey, I'm sure there's time for a little bacon. Have a bite while I pack you some sandwiches and PB crinkles for lunch."

I sighed. "Mom, you know perfectly well I don't eat at school."

"Leave him alone, Mom," Payton mumbled through an enormous mouthful of food. "How else is he gonna fit into his ballerina costume?"

"Shut up, idiot," I hissed at him. I stared incredulously at my father. "Dad, you're just going to let him say that?"

He did something that looked like a shrug. That didn't surprise me, though. Dad always seemed to be completely oblivious when it came to Payton and his taunts. Mom as well, to a lesser extent.

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