Chapter 16

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TW // mention of suicide attempt


Chapter 16


I leaned in the doorway and waved goodbye as Sean and Allison got into her car, and the twins onto their bikes. Carlos had long since disappeared; I still had no clue as to where he lived now. Christian stood next to Dannon's car and wished him safe travel, after making sure that he was actually sober enough to travel.

As the vehicles took off from the front yard, and the lights of Dannon's SUV disappeared down the road in a fairly straight line, Christian jogged his way back up the driveway. He stopped beside me and wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me up to place a kiss on my cheek. "You were incredible today."

He leaned back and looked into my eyes, and the proud smile on his face made me stare down at my shoes. "Well, I was gonna have to show you up one day. Hope you're not too mad about those three shots to the chest. And the paint grenade – that was for good measure."

A smirk appeared on his face. "Oh, I'm not mad. Because you're gonna make it up to me, one way or another." He grinned as he pulled me inside the room and shut the front door behind us. "Starting with this."

"Hey!" I exclaimed as he wrapped the other arm around my knees and lifted me into the air. He walked me over to the couch and sat down, me on his lap and him on my lips. I placed my hand on his cheek and gently pushed him away as his breath tickled my face. "You're so demanding, Christian."

"You haven't even seen demanding yet," he muttered, and pecked my lips once more. "I told you they'd love you. I knew they would soon enough."

I laughed and shook my head. "Well I wouldn't say they love me just yet. Although they don't want me dead anymore, so I think that's a good start."

"Stop selling yourself short, Peter," he chided, and his hand moved for mine, his fingers interlacing with mine. "You should've seen them around you tonight. They've accepted you as family now."

I didn't want to get too excited about it, but I knew he was right. The way the pack – my pack – looked at me now... It was as though they cared for me. Not really the atmosphere that hung around my house. "Speaking of family... I don't think I wanna go back to mine just yet. You think I could just hang here for a little while?"

Christian frowned and lifted his head, placing a kiss on my forehead. "If it were up to me, I'd never leave your side. Not even for a second."

I smiled, and nodded quickly. He pursed his lips and looked down for a second. "Besides it's probably best. There's something you need to know about, since... Since I heard you talking to Shane."

The nagging guilt resurfaced inside me and I placed my hands on the backrest of the couch, pushing off of Christian and onto the seat beside him. "I'm sorry I asked, it's just that..."

"No, no, I'm not mad at all," he laughed a bit, but it was cut short. "I should have told you. You deserve to know that... Well, it has to do with my father."

I knew that he meant to tell me about how his father had died. I placed my hand on his leg and shook my head. "I... I already know what happened."

He frowned. "But how could you- Oh, Carlos spoke to you," he sighed. "Unexpected, to say the least. We lived in the same house for five years, and there wasn't a single day where he said more than two sentences to me. Even after my father died. I get that he wasn't used to being in the company of others, but... It would've been nice. He was the only one who would've understood."

"He doesn't stay here anymore," I muttered, and the tone was somewhere between question and observation. "Where does he live? And why did he leave?"

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