Chapter 19

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CW // predatory behaviour (please check the comments for a disclaimer)


Chapter 19


We were back in the double-cab now, still in Peter's front yard. I didn't have werewolf hearing, but I could swear that I could still hear his mother's heartbroken sobs. I doubted that she'd ever imagine she'd have to deal with the loss of her son. Not this soon anyway.

The elephant had jumped back into the car with us, but I wasn't going to allow that. I was going to kick it out the window. And believe me, my brilliant brain-mouth would've had something to say about everything that was fundamentally inaccurate about that prediction – if I wasn't so freakin' pissed.

"When were you going to tell me that you planned on killing my best friend?"

My father stared ahead through the windscreen, his hands on the wheel, despite the fact that he hadn't started the engine. "Kayla, you have to understand that-"

"No, Dad, you have to understand," I interjected, glaring at him. "This is Peter, okay? Peter Mahealani, the boy who saved me from years of friendless destitution when I transferred to the school here. The boy who freaked out when he saw a gun on the counter when he first came over to our house. Someone who trusts you. Are you not getting that?"

"Kayla, you need to listen to me," he responded, turning to face me. He grabbed onto my shoulder. "He is not the same Peter anymore. He is a turned lycan. That means he wasn't born and raised a werewolf. He only just became one. That makes him unpredictable and dangerous, and I'll be damned if I let you or anyone else in this town be at risk."

I scoffed. "You keep saying that, but I don't believe you. And to be honest, I'm pretty sure you don't believe you other. No, just hear me out," I quickly added when he made to argue. "Peter has been a werewolf for a while now, and he's never done anything to harm me. He couldn't because that's not him, and you know that."

"That's because you've never provoked him. What happens when you do?" Dad sighed, and his hand slipped from my shoulder. He started the engine, and put the gear into drive. "What I know is that eventually, he'll get mad. They always do. And when he does, someone will get hurt. Someone will die."

Leroy's Jeep had started as well. Dad pulled out of the driveway and onto the street, my cousins not far behind us. I shook my head and looked out the window. "So you're telling me that everything you know about Peter, from the past year, eight months and four days, has been completely overridden by your hunter brainwashing?"

He breathed heavily as he slowed at an intersection, taking a left turn, and I could tell that his resolve was slowly waning. "Kayla, what I'm telling you is experience, and truth. Not something I've been forced to believe, but something I've seen for myself. That's why I do what I do."

"You mean that's why you kill people," I muttered, and for the first time in the longest time, I felt tears at the corners of my eyes. "But you use special guns and special knives, and give yourselves a special code and tell yourselves what you're doing is saving all of humanity, when really you're just killing. And now you're gonna kill the best person I've ever known, and you don't even care."

The car suddenly screeched to a halt just after we'd taken the turn, and Dad slammed his hands on the wheel. His chest heaved, his brow was beaded with sweat, and when he looked at me his eyes were those of a man torn apart. "You really think I don't care?"

His words were only just louder than a whisper, and it caught me a little off guard. But I steeled myself, and gave him a hard stare. "You're leading his witch hunt, aren't you? His werewolf hunt, I guess, but-"

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