[1] The Massacre of the Centuries

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TWs - Abuse, and cussing.

BTW - A trip down memory lane! Wooohooo! But anyways, I realized that when I was writing this it's a Fem Giyuu AU but I put her as a Prince. I also realized I didn't list the house of Muzan which I guess I will when the time comes. (Btw I fixed the Giyuu issue)


Giyuu's POV - 

I remember the day I had met Sabito. See, a lot of royalty is required to be trained in their houses breathing style.

Not everyone can master it, and not everyone can even use it. When I was training, Tsutako was already unable to use breathing techniques, however I succeeded and I went to training with a water breathing master.

His name was Urokodaki. 

He had adopted a son named Sabito, and we quickly became close friends. 

We had finished our training together, and that's when we decided that we had feelings for each other. 

We made the engagement official when we were 14.


"Yuu, can you meet me at the cherry trees on top of the mountain this afternoon?" I nod my head.

"Of course why?" Sabito smirks at me, and I blush a little. I always blushed at his smirks.

"You'll see, it's a surprise!" I grin, ever since I was young I had loved surprises. Especially the ones Tsutako gave me.

"Okay! I'll meet you there then!" I yell. I had been busy with Tsutako lately because she wanted to get engaged to Queen Kanae.

I met with my sister in her room. "Yuu. Should I go talk to her in person?" I tilt my head. "Hmm.." I say, folding a paper crane.

"I mean if you really want to Nee-San!" She smiles at me. "You've been so supportive Yuu! Maybe in a few months. I think it's time we make it official." 

I think for a moment.

"But what about you ruling the throne?" I ask.

"Well then Yuu, that simply means that you get to take over the throne. I've seen you and Sabito really close lately." She gives me a friendly smile, and I blush profusely.

"Does that mean you'll go away?" "Well, yes. Don't worry though Yuu, I'll still come and visit you. It won't make that much of a big difference between our relationship. Just because I'm not with you, doesn't mean I won't still love you."

I hug her. "Okay Nee-San!" 

I look out the large fancy window in her room. "Oh, I think I have to go meet Sabito. I'll see you later!" I wave her a goodbye, and I begin walking up the mountains.

The mountains next to the palace had beautiful cherry trees, which I adored with my whole heart.

I see Sabito, smiling widely at me. "Yuu, you're here!" He says.

I walk over to him. "Duh!" 

"Hey Yuu, have you ever thought about what's next for us?" He asks.

Of course I had, I'd thought about us getting married, getting engaged. Doing a lot of things together actually. They all made me feel happy in a way.

"Yuu?" He pokes me a little. I shake my head, I zoned out again. "Yeah? Sorry." 

"Anyways Yuu. I've been wanting to tell you for a while, but I love you." I freeze, and my body instinctively moves and hugs him. 

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