[2] An Encounter

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TWs - Mentions of abuse, cussing.

BTW - Yass! We have fifty reads! So so happy about that, sorry if chapters are taking a long time, it's just I'm really really busy cause I just went to Japan. :)

- Also, I realized that this was a Fem. Giyuu Au, and the picture doesn't show it and I don't give much effort into the pictures anymore so I just extended the hair.

- Also Aoi is older in this Au, like the whole kamaboko squad is so yeah! Because at this age which Giyuu is at, they'd be really young so they're like 12-16.


Giyuu's POV -

I open the closet, and there's multiple of the same maid outfit. Luckily I can fit in most things almost perfectly so it's not a huge problem to me at all.

I take one to the bathroom and try it on. It fits nicely, and doesn't show my breasts luckily. I put on the proper black shoes they gave me and make sure my necklace and bracket is on securely.

I step out of the bathroom and Mitsuri looks at me with wide eyes. "KYAAAA! You look so cute Yuu!" She compliments.

"A-Ah, thank you Lady Mitsuri." (NOT SUS NO)

"No problem! Anyways how about you go join the rest of the maids? Here I'll take you to them, I hope they treat you nicely!" I nod my head.

We follow a long hallway to the middle where she opens a large door. Multiple maids are working there, and it's like a meeting room.

"We've been expediting you! Nice to meet you, my name is Emi. The head maid!" Everyone proceeds to bow, and I bow back.

"Yuu, it's nice to meet all of you." I reply. My voice likes to stay quiet, but I raise it a little so I don't have to say it twice.

I can feel the glares of every maid on me, a glare of rage and disgust.

"Alright! Enjoy your time here Yuu!" Mitsuri leaves me, and I almost call her back when she slams the door and when someone starts yelling.

"Who do you think you are? You're just a lucky mistress, I heard you'll be serving the princes and princesses, who gave you that necklace? I wonder did you steal that bracelt?"

They all laugh at me.

"Such a guilty person indeed! You think you're so much better than us, you're ignoring us. You're just stuck up!"

Emi comes from behind and shoves me. She laughs behind my back.

"What. A. Sore. Bitch." She smirks, and I stay emotionless.

This is no better than before, though they won't beat me. "Chores. Here you go dumbass." They laugh at me while handing me a piece of paper.

"Be lucky we aren't giving you ours yet, unfortunately Lady Mitsuri seems to favor you in a way."

Another maid from the back comes up to me, and she takes me by the hand.

"Leave her alone Emi! Aoi nice to meet you Yuu. I'll show you around a bit, go ahead and ignore their teasing, it's really just annoying." An irk mark appears on her forehead, her eyes seem to reflect mine and she wears buterfly clips.

The symbol for the House of Butterflies.

I hear a tsk come out of Emi's mouth. "Yadayadayada! Tsk. As if! You know we only listen to you, because you have certain connections we both know how much Queen Shinobu favors you Aoi!"

She's a princess.

Aoi rolls her eyes at them and opens the door and shuts it. "Gee, they're such a problem." I stare at a moment confused.

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