[5] Tests (2)

52 4 2

TWs - Mentions of abuse, cussing.


- I'm an absolute mess rn with my stories so sorry about that.

Word goal for this chapter - 3,000


Giyuu's POV -

Apparently, there were dorms on the second floor? That's interesting.

Another interesting thing is that my body gets randomly sore at times and when I shower I can still see scars and red imprints like it was yesterday.

But I'm past that now right?

I brush the staircase's rail with my hands as I walk up stairs to the second floor. There are rows, and rows of doors, and there's also Shinobu at the end of the hallway.

The three triplet butterflies stand beside her, holding platters of water.

(The triplet butterflies are the butterfly triplets that are in the butterfly mansion, I forget their names eheh.)

"Ah, welcome! This is a test of efficiency and quality, after all a maidens work needs to be fast and good. Please begin by taking a small platter, balance it on your arm, and take five cups of water to place on top. Afterwards begin walking down the hallway until you see Prince Senjuro." 

Shinobu smiles palely, and I proceed to balance a platter on my arm. I grab cups of water and place them down gently before proceeding to walk.


"Wah! Yuu how are you doing that?" Sabito asks, eyes widened.

I walk down a hill with my blade balancing on my left arm. "What do you mean how?" Sabito fumbles a little, and I look to my right and see him constantly having to tip his sword back up or down.

I chuckle a little, continuing my pace down the mountain. 

"Hey! Don't laugh at me, I'm trying my best here!" I shrug. "You know why Urokodaki is making us do this in the first place?" I ask.

"Urokodaki-Sensei... well to be fair he does a lot of wacky training ideas like this with us." I frown, he's not wrong but it's not a clear answer. 

"But seriously Yuu, teach me your ways because If sensei is waiting at the bottom of this mountain I am doomed with my life." 

He looks at me smiling, the smile that makes my heart fill with joy and laughter.


I pause when I reach a young boy with the same colored hair as Kyojuro. 

"You're remarkably fast! 10 meters in 7 seconds, even with a platter and cups of water on your arm." 

I take a slight nod to that. I hear someone yelp behind me, I turn around and see a platter of water directly going for me.

I try to catch it with my available hand and my hand grips onto the bottom of the platter. Not fast enough to stop a cup or two from lurching forward onto my hair.

I bleakly sigh. "I am so, so sorry!" The young girl apologizes. I set down the two platters on the table and turn to face her.

"It's fine, accidents happen that's all." I calmly say, just wanting to get out of this drenched mess I'm in at the moment. 

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