[4] Tests (1)

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TWs - Mentions of abuse, cussing.

BTW - OMG last two chapters I didn't ask any questions so the questions for the last two will appear right here sorry :(

- ALSO THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR A 100+ READS! Istg I've planned so much for this story, I still haven't even thought on how it'd end yet so don't be surprised if its a sad ending last moment :)

Q - If Tanjiro made his own breathing style, what do you think it'd be?

Q - Do you like angst, fluff, or smut more?


Giyuu's POV -

I take the needle from Aoi's hand, carefully stitching up my dress with ease. "Hey Yuu, can you help me with this?" She asks, pointing to her butterflies.

I nod my head and we swap dresses, I start carefully sewing the butterflies to the waist of the dress.

Afterwards I lay it on the bed before pulling out a mannequin, and carefully fitting the dress on. The butterflies in my hands look like blue monarchs, and I sew each one on one by one to the top of the corset.

Hours pass, and we're only done with Aoi's dress. "Wow! That's so cool, thanks Yuu! How about we put your dress on a mannequin and add the finishing touches?" She asks me. 

"Sure." I respond, helping her put the dress on. "Hey Aoi.. d-do you perhaps have any blue gems?" I stutter.

Aoi looks around for a moment. "Erhmm, I'll go check downstairs somewhere. How about you come with me?" She asks.

I hesitantly reply, "Oh, uhm. Sure." I hum. 

"Great let's get going!" She grabs me by the shoulder this time and leads me out of the room.

"Honestly Aoi. You wouldn't believe how many times I ran into Sir Sanemi today." I sigh heavily, following her down the stairs.

"You must be a very unlucky person then..." she mumbles. "Huh?" I respond in a whisper. "Sir Sanemi never really shows himself anymore." I scoff.

"How come I have to see him everyday then?" I whine, I just wanted peace in my life for once. 

"You'll be fine Yuu, it's just a person. After all people can't do that many bad things." I flinched at the last sentence, that was a lie. Just a single person can do so many things to you. 

"Yuu?" She prods me a little. "Ah, sorry." I respond after a few moments pass. 

She leads me to a room filled with supplies. It reminds me of something I can't really put my finger on.

"Ah! Hey Nee-San!" Aoi waves to a girl, looking like another butterfly sister which I can vaguely remember.

Kanao Kocho, similarly named to the late flower queen, Kanae Kocho. 

Kanao had to be a princess, she wore a flowery crown since she gained the ability to use flower breathing. 

Kanao stares at me and Aoi before smiling gently at us. 

"Ah! Anyways here's some gems Yuu!" She hands me a blue box, which I delicately open to find inside tons of stones in the blue that I love.

I grab a few, and I close the box and set it back in the drawer. "Thank you Aoi." She smiles at me brightly, "Welcome!" 

We head back upstairs until I get tripped by someone's foot. "Your outfit is going to look hideous." Emi scoffs.

"Nobody will be watching you." She smirks at me, which I ignore as I head back with Aoi to her room. 

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