[3] The Dress

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TWs - Cussing, mentions of abuse.

BTW - EEeEeEeEeEeeEeEE! I feel like this is going to be a REALLY easy chapter to write just bcos I get so lost when I write things about like crafting or something cause I'm just like that. :D

- Also some Sanemi POV cause his POV doesn't really happen a lot in my stories, like my last story I finished he wasn't even a big part in it anyways soooooo-

- Also FYI Sanemi's relationship with the other princes and princess + Shinobu is a first name basis one with no extra royalty details when nobody is around. EX. Mitsuri when they're alone does not call him 'Sir Sanemi' just 'Sanemi'


Sanemi's POV -

My eyes flutter open to the noise of birds chirping out my windowsill. The sun glares at my room, and I unfortunately have to get up.

There's a calendar on my wall, scheduling the Masquerade Party later this week. I have 3 days left to prepare, even though it's really just two and a half days of fun freedom before a long boring event.

I get up and take a shower, where I find it best suitable for thoughts.

I heard the government caught someone abusing this young girl for two years, and she's apparently in the palace as a maid.

No doubt she'd be like any other maid obviously, I heard the maids bickering about her having a selfish personality of some sort. I don't know the true case, but I can try to believe what I want for now, there's no evidence for anything.

I turn off the shower, dry, and then comb my hair before putting on a green tuxedo. Some fancy royalty.

My parents have been pressuring me on getting a partner, but is anyone really suitable?


Mitsuri greets me outside the palace. "Kyaaaaa! Long time no see Sanemi!" She says, hugging me. I liked physical touch, but if I weren't close friends with Obanai I'd get my ass drop kicked.

"Same with you Mitsuri. You too Obanai." Obanai is probably the person I get along most with, even if he doesn't show it that much.

Mitsuri wears a pink skirt, and striped green socks with just a fancy corset. Obanai just wears a regular tuxedo.

"So Sanemi! When are you going to get a partner?" She asks. I scoff. "Seriously? That again, Mitsuri I don't want a damn partner." She looks down embarrassed for a moment.

"Sorry Sa-." She gets cut off. "Don't be so rude to Mitsuri!" Obanai says.

I roll my eyes at him. "Simp."

Mitsuri ignores our tiny squabble, continuing her sentence with confidence. "Sorry Sanemi! But seriously, most of us have partners by now, even Queen Kanae is talking with princess Tsutako!" She says.

Damnit. That's Kanae out of the picture, she was pretty nice but I couldn't live with her forever.

I sigh out loud. "When will this fucking nightmare ever end? Now it's just this dumbass talk about partners and love and whatever shit."

Mitsuri reassures me. "You'll find someone eventually Sanemi. Someone good."


I walk out of my room greeted by Tengen. "Tengen, tch. What are you doing here?" He smirks at me, "I'm here to tease you, the flashy prince teasing the arrogant dumbass." He answers, laughing at me.

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