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Four was mad, but he was scared too. Why did Three have to be so difficult all the time? The two had their differences and settled them out. This minor squabble between them was not as bad as all those years ago. Three trying to take over his channel and trying to...kill him.

Four opened his eyes to find that he was reliving that same intense scene from that night.


He looked down, expecting Three to be just as panicked induced as the first time...but he wasn't. If anything, he looked happy to watch this. It was happening again. His fingers slipping off, one by one. "THREE! PLEASE DO SOMETHING!" He didn't move. "ARE YOU REALLY GOING TO LET ME DIE LIKE THIS!?" The moments they shared. The times they had saved each other in the past. Was it all a lie?

The only finger remaining was his index finger. "Three..." There was nothing left for him to do. He didn't shut his eyes this time, but widely opened them with terror as he fell. A loud "BANG!" was heard and his body smashed onto the platform. His hand covered his chest as his vision was blurry. The only thing he could make out was hearing Three laughing at him and slowly bringing his hand up to his face to see a wide range of blood covering him.

"You...why...?" He tried to extend his hand out to Three for help, but the purple man just brushed it away. "I'm not helping you. I hate you!" The moment Four heard those words, his body went cold. "W-What did you j-just say?" It was just like the nightmare before they left. Three didn't answer as he walked away. Four was alone as his mind swarmed with thoughts that he couldn't even tell were true or not.

"Quit wasting your time with him!"

"He's just getting close to you so he can kill you!"

"The only thing you are to him is his enemy!"

"He hates you and he always will!"

"Stop living in a fantasy and WAKE UP!"

Four shot up in a cold sweat. His heart was beating like crazy and his breathing seemed to be increasing every second. The morning sun was peeking through the window and Four looked over to see Three on the other side of the bed. He quickly got out of bed and started getting ready. "I can't deal with him now." With the speed he was going at, it only took him a few minutes to get ready. The last thing he did was put on his cap before looking at Three again. His eyes started to open as Four unlocked the door and ran out before Three could spot him.

Three rubbed his eyes and stretched, but it didn't take long to notice that Four was gone. He didn't care though as he was still mad with his ex rival. Four stepped out of the elevator to find his friends in the lobby, waving goodbye to Luigi as he went off to his job. Meggy turned around and perked up when she saw him. "Four! How did it go with Three?" When she said that, Mario adverted eye contact and whistled.

"Please don't mention him. I don't want anything to do with that guy right now." Tari looked concerned as she asked "Oh no! What happened?" Bob leaned over to her and said "I BET THOSE TWO WERE MAKING OUT SOMEWHERE!" Four rolled his eyes and said "No Bob! Three was just being a jerk like always!"

"I WAS NOT!" They all noticed Three coming out of the elevator with a really agitated look. He stuck a finger in Four's face and yelled back "THIS IDIOT DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO CLIMB RIGHT WHEN THE FERRIS WHEEL BROKE!" Meggy piped up with a hint of confusion "Wait. The Ferris wheel broke? How did that happen?"

"Oh look at the time! Mario's gotta skedaddle!" The fat Italian rushed off as the two went right back to blaming each other like last night. "No idea, but whatever caused it must have been HIS FAULT!"



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