No Power Means Nothing is Okie Dokie

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Everything seemed slow today. Luigi had nothing planned and everyone just wanted to relax. They were all staring at their phones, except for Mario, who was rolling around on the couch and complaining. "Mario is soooooo bored!!!"

Three looked annoyed as he pointed to the TV behind the stupid Italian and said "Then go watch some TV and stop bugging us!" He threw the remote over to Mario, who instantly cheered up. "Yippee! Mario is gonna watch teletubbies!"

He switched on the TV and started flipping through the channels. Bob was watching some kind of weird thing that Birdo was doing when a notification came on that his battery was at 10%. "NO! HONEY! STAY WITH ME!" He grabbed a huge plug and starting jamming it into a nearby outlet. "HELP IS ON THE WAY! HELP IS ON THE WAY! HELP IS ON THE-"

"Stop jamming it in like that Bob! You might make the fuse go out!" He didn't listen to Meggy as he took the other end and plugged in his phone. "THERE! NOW I CAN GET BACK TO MY BOOBY TIME!" He turned back on whatever gross thing he was watching and just a second later, the battery died. "WHAT THE HELL?"

He tried unplugging and replugging his phone several times, but it wouldn't charge. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS THING!?" Mario was enjoying his TV time when it shorted out into static and shut off on its own. "Nooooooo!!!!" Mario started running around crying and Bob kept throwing a fit. "Shut up you kids!" Three yelled and both unexpectedly stopped. Not because of Three's yelling, but because the lights had gone out.

Four immediately jumped out of his seat in a panic and started shaking nervously. Tari looked just as terrified as she clung onto Meggy. "Relax you two! The power just went out!" Four didn't believe everything was hunky dory as he said "Remember the last time we had a power outage..."

"It will be fine guys! I'm sure this will be cleared up in a few hours!" Three narrowed his eyes at his two idiot friends and said "What did you guys do?" Bob pointed at Mario and said "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING! TALK TO HIM!" Mario stuck his hands out and replied back "Mario was just watching TV!" There didn't seem to be any damage to the outlet or the hotel TV and there wasn't even a storm outside.

"Strange..." Three tapped his chin in thought. This mysterious reason of what caused it made Four even more unsettled. "I don't like doesn't seem normal for the power to just go out like that." Three could sense how distressed Four felt. He held him in his arms and said "It's alright Four. I won't let anything happen to you." He rubbed Four's back softly as he told Meggy "You should probably go talk to the front desk or something before Four and Tari have a panic attack."

Meggy nodded and said "Yeah. I'll go right now. You want to come Tari?" She was still clinging tightly to the orange haired girl. "I guess so...just please don't leave me alone!" Meggy smiled and said "Of course not!" She told the crew that they would be back in just a moment and went up to the front desk. "Hi! We were just wondering when the power was going to come on."

They were expecting a response of reassurance like "The power will be on in an hour or so" or "Don't worry, we have handled blackouts before" but the lady at front desk said something that was certainly not what they had hoped for. "I actually don't know ma'am. We've never had the power go out on in the middle of the day. We don't even know what caused it."

Tari began to quiver more in fear. Meggy tried to rub her hand to calm down and said "Oh...well thanks anyway." Tari whispered to her as they walked back "This is getting scary. Why would the power just go out randomly." Meggy shrugged and tried to encourage her that everything would be fine.

"Mario's bored again." He sat upside down on the couch while Luigi read a book. Bob just bullied Boopkins to entertain himself when he threw a pillow at the fish and that gave him an idea. "HEY MARIO! WANT TO BUILD A SICK PILLOW FORT!" Mario was on board right away as the two began grabbing pillows off the couches and stacking them on top of each other. Meggy approached the crew with Tari. "So...the front desk said they aren't really sure when the power will come back on. They don't even know how it happened."

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