8. Love, Loss & Letters

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"Awh, I take it you're getting along then?" the UN beamed, wrapping our precious pasta around his fork.

"I would say so," Britain giggled, gently placing her arms around me and returning the hug as softly as possible, which was rather enjoyable, surprisingly.

"Ja," I nodded, slipping out of her grip and beginning on my dish. The two adults faded away into conversation in very quick, mumbled English, so I soon stopped paying attention and just focused on the warmth of the meal that I had constructed myself.
My very own food! It was by far the proudest moment of my life, and still remains one of my happiest memories even to this day.

"West Germany?" One of the two adults finally asked. Perplexed, I gazed over at them, trying to recall exactly which one had just spoken to me.

"The European nations are holding a meeting tomorrow," the UK explained, glancing at me doubtfully, aware that what she was about to say wouldn't be welcome news to me, "And... I'm not allowed to take you... Would it be ok if I left you with America for a bit?"

"A-Amerika?" I stuttered, groaning internally.

"Do you remember him?" UN asked, grinning sympathetically at my downcast face.

"Ja..." I sighed, "Why can't I stay with the capitals? Not that I dislike Amerika, but he's very... Strange, and I'd be more comfortable-"

Surpressing a laugh, Britain answered, "I'm sorry, but they have to be there too..."

"Why can't I-"

"You need to be fifteen to attend," the UN explained, frowning, "I promise, it'll be ok; you'll be safe with Mr. USA."


"West, please," the UK sighed, "I'll only be gone for one night..."

Having lost my appetite completely, I threw aside my fork and stormed out of the kitchen, slamming the door behind me. Why couldn't I come? Why did I have to be left with a virtual stranger, without even getting a say in the decision? It wasn't fair! I'd have bet anything that the USSR let East stay with whoever she wanted! Surely I could just run away and find... Someone!

"West..." the UK called, frantically running towards me up the stairs.

"YOU'RE LEAVING ME!" I screamed with all of my infuriated heart, turning away from the distraught woman, "WHY DON'T YOU CARE?"

"Of course I care, I just-"

"I HATE YOU!" I screeched, rushing into my room and slamming the door in her face, shoving a chair against it to shut her out entirely. For the next harrowing ten minutes, I listened to her sobs as she waited on the landing, curled up and crying into her sleeve.

I made her cry.
I made Britain cry.
Why did I do that?

Finally, I crept out of my room and into the now empty hallway, carefully searching the entire house for my carer, who I had never been more desperate to lean against and be comforted by. Instead, I was met with an eerie silence, save for the door creaking behind me as a figure loomed in the entrance, grinning at me smugly.

"Hey, little guy!"

Herr Amerika had arrived already. Grimacing, I turned around, smiling falsely and nodding at him.

"How've you been? Is Mom taking good care of you? Awh, you look so much like- Never mind... Anyway, you want to read some comics or eat sweets? I brought you Hershey's Kisses!"

Noting how absolutely vile that sounded, I declined his kind offer, curling up on the sofa in what was usually Britain's spot to wallow in my regrets.

"You seem sad, baby brother..." US sighed, plopping himself down beside me.
'Baby brother'? Just because Britain took me in doesn't make him my brother!

"I'm fine."

"Dude..." Amerika sighed, "You need a hug!"

"NEIN!" I yelled, striking him forcefully across the face as he lurched towards me. "DON'T TOUCH ME!"

"You..." the USA glowered, "You hit me. You've got nerve."

"I'm sorry," I whimpered, "I... I'm sorry..."

"Get out of my sight."

Terrified and disgusted with myself, I slunk away into my bedroom, preparing for the long night of wallowing in despair that lay ahead of me. Drying my tears of shame, I drifted off into a disturbed sleep plagued with the memories of that unfortunate afternoon.

"West!" Someone cooed, shaking me awake the next morning.

"Großbritannien!" I squealed, wrapping my arms around her and bursting once again into a stream of noisy tears. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry, I missed you so much, I'm sorry I yelled..."

"Oh, West..." she sighed, returning the hug and wiping the tears from my face, "It's ok, everything's ok..."

"Nein... I'm horrible, I made you cry then I hit Amerika-"

"West, you're forgiven, certainly by me. You've clearly learned your lesson," Britain whispered softly, taking my hand, "Though it might be worth writing an apology letter to America..."

Silently, I nodded, clinging to her for dear life, waiting for her to fill the silence that rung in my ears.

"I got you something."

"Was?" I asked, forgetting my sorrow in favour of curiosity as she handed me a letter written in all too familiar handwriting...

"I found that letter you wrote to East while I was tidying the library," she explained sheepishly, "...So I gave it to Berlin and he gave me back this, a secret present from your sister!"

"It's from East..." I muttered, eyes lighting up. My sister... My sister had written back to me, and quickly too... I was glad, though my hands trembled as I tore open the envelope.

'Dear West,
I'm glad you're OK... Papa USSR says that the Westerners are evil, so it's a relief that you're doing so well! It's been ever so lovely here; yes, we're slightly short on food, but I really feel like a part of the family for once!
I wish you were here, though...
Oh, and Poland says hello! He's my new best friend, seeing as I haven't seen Italy in ages!
Russia says we're both really annoying, me and you. I like annoying him though; he always goes bright red and starts shoving his hands in and out of his pockets like in a strange dance! Oh, I wish you could see!
Have you met any of the other capitals? I know all of them in the East! Warsaw and Kyiv are lovely, but the others are really quiet (especially Minsk, who's scared of everything) and Moscow is downright terrifying...
I should probably go now, but I promise I'll write and Berlin says he'll deliver my letters!
Ost xx'

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