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What am I supposed to do?
I attract plentiful suitors,
With their eyes rolling like marbles on a slanted floor.
But the ones who speak with their mouths are few and far between.
I can't help but wonder if beauty is a virtue or a hissing deterrent,
Or if it works to bring me options from the opposite direction.
I have been told to stop looking for beauty in beings not meant to be beautiful,
So that I allow for status and riches to enter my standards.
Yet, I am still stuck with men who look, speak, but do not want to engage further,
Another trophy without even a conversation or touch.
Sometimes, I wish I didn't have to pick for myself.
I wonder what purpose my looks serve
And why I intimidate those who find out I have a mind that rivals them.
I am a dream girl for those who dare to dream big,
But am too hypnotic for reality.
I do not wish to alter myself to fit an idea.
I just don't want to pick the wrong one...again.

An Ode to Muses to PolyhymniaWhere stories live. Discover now