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"Good morning, let's watch the sunrise together?" I woke up when someone brushed a strand of hair from my face, and I smiled as she greeted me.

Wala ng mas sasaya sa umaga ko, kapag sya any bungad.

I nodded at her in response and wasn't surprised when I felt her soft lips gently touch my forehead.

"Come on, gawin mo pa kong breakfast meal mo," I joked, but she just laughed. I got up from lying down and put on the robe I wore last night.

Hindi man lang ako dinamitan?, Augh!

"I love you," she said. But I just rolled my eyes and walked out to the veranda first, then let out my sweetest smile.

She's so cute, stop it please. Hulog na hulog nako.

"You've been clingy lately, Baka masanay ako nyan?," I whispered with a smile when I felt someone hug me from behind, and I felt her chin rest on my shoulder. "I love you too, Mikhyle," I whispered to her and smiled secretly.

In that position, we watched the sunrise. I love watching sunrises more than sunsets because it means a lot of chances.

"Is that Jam and Sam?" she asked from behind, and I looked around to check them.

Tumingin ako sa baba, and i saw them, wtf?!

What?! How? And why?!

"Y-yes, Anong meron?" I asked her back. Pero wala akong nakuhang response from her.

Tumingin ako ulit kina Jam.They were both sitting on the open terrace, watching the sunrise.

Weird. Maniniwala naba ako sa miracle?

"And also, Gave and Shella?" She let go of her embrace and stood beside me. "There, hun," she pointed to the spot near the coconut tree, where Gave was hugging Shella from behind.


I turned my gaze back to the sunrise, appreciating its beauty. I hope that, like Jam and Sam, Mavs and Colton have a chance to be okay too.

Na maramdaman ni Colton, yung love from Mavs.

I took a deep breath and turned to Mikhyle when I felt her hand gently holding my waist. She was smiling at me, and I had no idea how long she had been watching me.

So niletiral nya ba yung sayo lang ang tingin?, pft she's so cute talaga when she doing that titig thingy.

"Let's go inside and have breakfast," she said softly, then took my hand. And inalalayan akong mag lakad hanggang makalabas sa kusina.


"Hi, good morning! So, honeymoon before marriage, atake nyo dyan mga mhiema?" Bungad saamin ni Mavs. She was smiling, but her puffy eyes made it clear she had been crying all night.

Ganyan ba kasakit Mavs?..

I walked over to her and hugged her tightly. "How are you?" I asked gently. But she pulled away from my hug. Yeah right..

"I'm fine, Ayiah. Kain na hindi na yan masarap kapag hindi na mainit!" she said cheerfully, then started arranging the plates on the table again.

I sigh.

I don't know how she manage to be so energetic when, deep inside, you know she's not okay. Literal na Clown.

I looked at Khyle, who just smiled at me and gestured for me to sit next to her. She was already seated with a mug of coffee in her hand.

Nag lakad ako papunta sakanya na bagsak ang balikat, and sat down next to her.

I'm worried to Mavs, for sure sobrang sakit non.

Love's Unexpected Path. | MIKHAIAH | AM SERIES 01Where stories live. Discover now