Wed and Bed

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Today is the day Sansa will be married to my uncle I had hoped that by now she would be free of this place. Home with her own family and somewhere safe far away from my mother and more specifically Joffrey. I thought that she might want to be in the presence of someone who she felt more comfortable with so i offered to help her get ready.
"He's really not that bad." I say finishing the twists in her hair. "There are a lot more worse men out there. I know he will keep you safe and will make sure you have everything you need." She stays silent and keeps her eyes down. The poor thing. When I met her in Winterfell she was so bright eyed and excited for what was going to happen in her life. Now she looked like a shell of a person, numb to her surroundings.
There was a knock at the door "Lady Sansa." I knew it was my uncle. She stood to great him.
"You look very handsome, my lord." She says quietly.
"Oh, yes." Tyrion responds straightening out his shirt, "The husband of your dreams. But you do look glorious. Perhaps we could have a moment before everything. Do you mind?"
She shakes her head her eyes set on the ground.
"My lady, I want you to know I didn't ask for this." He takes her hand so gentle.
"I hope I will not disappoint you, my lord."
"Sansa, don't." I say.
"You don't have to speak to me as a prisoner any more. You won't be a prisoner after today. You'll be my wife." Tyrion states,
"I suppose that's a different kind of prison. I just wanted to say...I'm just trying to say, very badly...I just..."
"I think what my uncle is trying to say is we know you feel"
"I doubt that very much." She says looking at us with very sad eyes.
"You're right. I have no idea how you feel. And you have no idea how I feel. But I promise you one thing, my lady. I won't ever hurt you." I notice him squeezing her hands as if to give her reassurance.
"Do you drink wine?" He questions obviously trying to lighten the mood.
"When I have to."
"Well, today you have to." I say trying to get her to at least smile a little.

Everyone is now gathered in the sept to see my uncle and Sansa be married. I stand at the very front of the crowd next to my mother, Tommen, and grandfather across are the Tyrells. Joffrey is walking Sansa down the isle. Why, i don't know. It's bad enough he had her father killed and now he's giving her away. As they reach the top of the steps Joffrey grabs the stool that was there for my uncle to stand on and takes it away. As if this whole thing wasn't embarrassing enough for the two of them he has to try and make it worse.

"You may now cloak the bride and bring her under your protection." says the high Septon.
Sansa turns around waiting for Tyrion to place the cloak on her shoulders. He can't reach her for obvious reasons and i hear people start to laugh and chuckle throughout the Great Sept.
Very embarrassed my uncle taps Sansa and says "Uh...Could you..." She knees down so he can reach her and he places the cloak on her shoulders.
"Thank you." he says.
I hate to admit it but i can actually see this working. Sansa may not be marrying someone she loves but at least he won't be cruel and a lot of us girls are not that lucky.
"Perhaps you could actually talk to her" I say to my uncle as i watch Sansa leave the table. I grab a glass and fill it with wine, definitely needed at events like this.
"I've got a lifetime for that." He says slurring his words. I knew he would drink I just didn't think it would be this much.
"You seem rather drunk."
He sips his cup which is full to the very top seconds from spilling over. "Rather less than I plan to be, isn't it a man's duty to be drunk at his own wedding?"
"This isn't about your wedding. I want to know what you plan to do with Sansa. Will you bed her?"I ask.
"Well your grandfather expects me to put an heir in her but no, you have nothing to worry about."
"Maybe she will come around to the idea of having children, might distract her a bit from this constant chaos all around."I take a sip from my glass and walk back to everyone chatting.
That's when I hear him, that disgusting voice, "Oh sister,"
After my last interaction with Joffrey I have been avoiding him like the plague. I still feel his hands, his breath on my neck. I can feel my own breathing start to shorten as I feel his arm intertwine with mine. "Did you enjoy the ceremony your grace." I ask.
"I thought it was hilarious, went perfectly in my opinion. It's really the only opinion that matters anyways."he chuckles, "Does it make you jealous sister? Watching Sansa be married, your time with Loras will come soon."
"One day soon your grace, hopefully."
"Ive said it before but I might just keep you here. Even with Loras as a prospect I am still the king and I can still decide what you do and if you ever get to leave."
I just stare at him blankly because I know he's right, but I also know that the longer im stuck here the closer I am to hurling myself out my bedroom window.
After a moment of silence Joffrey starts walking with me again and sighs "What a glorious day. Maybe I'll even pay you a visit tonight."
He claps his hands to get the attention of everyone and yells "Time for the bedding ceremony!"
From the back Tyrion mumbles, "There will be no bedding ceremony."
"Where's your respect for tradition, Uncle? Come, everyone. Pick her up and carry her to her wedding bed." People start to walk over to Sansa and the men pick her up.
"Get rid of her gown!" Joffrey laughs "She won't be needing it any longer. Ladies, attend to my uncle. He's not heavy."
Tyrion slams his knife into the table "There will be no bedding ceremony." The room goes silent, and the men put Sansa down.
"There will be if I command it."
"Then you'll be fucking your own bride with a wooden cock." Tyrion glares up at Joffrey.
"What did you say?!" Joffrey asks as if stunned anyone talked back to him, this time he asks even louder "What did you say?!"
" Your grace," I speak up, "Our uncle is clearly quite drunk he did not mean to threaten the King, but perhaps tonight we could skip the bedding ceremony?"
"A bad joke, Your Grace." Tyrion chuckles, "Made out of envy of your own royal manhood. Mine is so small, my poor wife won't even know I'm there." He starts laughing and gets up from his chair stumbling into a table. "But it is my wedding night, my tiny drunk cock and I have a job to do." He stumbles over to Sansa and grabs her hand and starts to lead her out of the reception.
"Come, wife."
While everyone is leaving  Joffrey strolls over to me and whispers, "After that I'll be seeing you tonight"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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