Bastard Boy

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At the feast is sit next to Robb and Sansa just below the table that my mother and Lady Stark sit at. I can see my mother staring at my father who is amongst the people. I turn to see him kissing another women. My father is always with other women and my mother always has to just sit there and watch. I hope that Robb is not like that when we get married. I see my mother look at me and know she wants me to come see her. "Come Sansa." I bring the stark girl with me.

"Hello little dove," my mother says to Sansa, "but you are a beauty. how old are you?"
"thirteen your grace." answers Sansa.

"You're tall. Still growing?"

"I think so your grace."

"And have you bled yet?"

"Mother." I blurt out seeing how uncomfortable Sansa is.

"No, your grace." Sansa replies while shaking her head.

"And your dress did you make it?" my mother asks smiling. Sansa nods her head with the biggest smile on her face. "Such a talent. You must make something for me." Mother adds.

"Mother. I'm feeling quite hot, i'm going to step outside for a moment." I stare at her.

"Oh, i'll ask Robb to go with you." Lady Catelyn starts to stand.

"No! I mean i'm quite alright. I don't want to interrupt Robb. But thank you." I say and i practically run out of the hall.

As i walk outside it is noticeably colder and I wish I had brought my cloak out. I start walking towards some stables I see and as i do the music from the feast dies down. I lean up against the stone wall of the stable and close my eyes. Oh, how i just want to go home.

"Can I help you?" asks a voice.

"Oh! Sorry, I didn't know anyone was out here. I thought everyone was at the feast." I say. I don't know who this boy is, I haven't seen him before. As he gets closer I can see he is quite handsome. He has black curly hair and his eyes are such a dark shade of brown that they are almost black.

"Well Lady Stark thought it might insult the royal family to seat a bastard in their midsts." he replies.

"Then clearly she doesn't know my father very well, because he has many bastards."

"Your father? Your father is Robert Baratheon?"

"Guilty." I say slightly embarrassed.

"Your grace, i'm sorry, i had no idea." he stutters, starting to kneel.

"No it's quite alright! There is no need to kneel. I'm sorry but I don't know your name."

"Jon Snow your grace."

"Lyanna is fine."

"Lyanna." he says with a smile. I can't help but blush when he says my name. "So why are you not at the feast.?"

"Well I was, but i needed to get away from everyone." I explained, "My mother kept motioning for me to sit up stright and Sansa wouldn't stop asking me questions about the capital and I couldn't stand that Robb wouldn't stop starring at me." I say completly out of breath. "Sorry," I mumble.

"It's alright," Jon says while chuckling.

"I just...I just couldn't stand it anymore."

"No it's fine, I understand completely." Jon whispers as he takes my hands in his. I notice my heart begins to beat faster and I have gotten completely lost in his eyes.

"Lyanna what are you doing out here." my uncle Tyrion interupts my thoughts.

"Might I ask you the same question Uncle. And where have you been all day might i add?" I answer smirking.

"Don't change the subject and I am preparing for a night with our family." replies Tyrion.

" You're Tyrion Lannister. The queens brother." Jon noted.

"His greatest accompishment." I tease.

"You, you're Ned Starks bastard." my uncle states. Jon turns to walk away "Let me give you some advice bastard. Never forget what you are, the rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor and it can never be used to hurt you."

"Come on Jon, lets go inside." I grab his hand and we walk towards the great hall. Once inside we sit at a table in the back with Ned Starks brother Benjen. He gives Jon an odd look but then turns back to his ale.

"Everyone is staring." Jon says looking around at everyone.

"I don't care let them stare. We are not doing anything wrong." he gives me a small smile and i return it, "So your uncle is a part of the nights watch."

"yes, I plan on going with him when he leaves for the wall."

"So you plan on taking the black? Why don't you want to stay here?" i question.

"It seems like the only thing I can do. There's nothing here holding me back."

"I see." i whisper. I'm upset that Jon will be leaving I thought that I might at least have a friend to keep me company when winter comes. Just then I can feel someones eyes on me, I look up to see Robb staring at me. I smile at him but he just turns away. So I just go back to talking with Jon.

After talking to Jon for the rest of the night and a few too many glasses of wine it was now time for me to return to my chambers. Jon was helping me there since I could barely walk straight and he didn't want me to hurt myself on the way back to my room.

"Thank you for walking me to my room." I slur out. "And thank you for making tonight tolerable."

He just laughs. "You're welcome. Anytime."

"Well I really should be going to bed I've got a long day of sewing with Sansa tomorrow."

"Well maybe I can steal you away for a while after dinner?"

"Yes, I would quite like that." I say smiling. "Well goodnight Jon Snow."

"Goodnight Lyanna Baratheon."


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