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Joffrey has been crowned king and maester Pycelle is making all of Joffrey's royal decrees known to the court. I am seated next to my mother and watch as Sansa enters and all the lords turn and stare at her. Poor girl, being known as the traitor's daughter. As she makes her way to the front I turn and see my mother smirking at her, Joffrey even adjusts in the throne when he sees her.

"In the place of the traitor, Eddard Stark, it is the wish of his grace that Tywin Lannister, lord of Casterly Rock and warden of the west be appointed hand of the King." Maester Pycelle announced, "Lastly, in these times of treason and turmoil it is the view of council that the life and safety of King Joffrey be paramount importance."

"Ser Barristan Selmy," My mother stands

"Your grace," he gets down on one knee, "I am yours to command."

"Rise Ser Barristan, you may remove your helmet." my mother added. "Ser Barristan, you have served the realm long and faithfully, every man and women in the seven kingdoms owes you thanks. But it is time to put apart your armor and your sword. It is time to rest and look back with pride on your many years of service."

"Your grace the kingsguard is a sworn brotherhood, our vows are taken for life only death relieves us of our sacred trust."

"Who's death ser Barristan yours of your kings?"

"You let my father die."Joffrey spoke, "You're too old to protect anybody."

I couldn't believe what Joffrey was saying. Ser Barristan has protected us since we were children.

"Your grace,"

"The council has determined that Jamie Lannister will take your place as lord commander of the kingsguard." Mother interrupts.

"The man who profaned his blade with blood of the king he had sworn to defend."

"Careful ser!" mother yells

"We have nothing but gratitude for your long serivce good ser." Says Vyras "You shall be given a keep by the sea with servants to look after your every need."

"A hall to die in. And men to bury me." He rips off his white cloak "I am a knight, I shall die a knight." And throws down his helmet, takes off his gloves and throws them down too. Everyone just watches in silence.

"A naked knight apparently." Littlefinger remarks, and the lords all laugh. Ser Barristan unsheaths his sword and so do the rest of the kingsguard and the hall falls quiet.

"Even know i could cut through the five of you like carving a cake." No one says or does anything, "Here boy!" he yells and throws down his sword "Melt it down and add it to the others!" Ser Barristan just left the throne room with no one saying a word.

"If any other man in these halls has matters to set before is grace speak now or go forth and hold your silence."

Sansa looks at me before speaking, "Your grace."

"Come forward my lady." Joffery motions to her to step forward.

"The lady Sansa of house Stark."

"do you have some business for the king and his council?" Mother questions.

"I do," she goes to her knees "As it pleases your grace, I ask for mercy for my father, who is Eddard Stark hand of the King."

"Treason is a noxious weed!" Grand Maester Pycelle pipes up. "It should be torn out! Rooted-" he continued until Joffrey interrupts him.

"Let her speak," he orders "I want to hear what she has to say."

"Thank you, your grace." Says Sansa.

"Do you deny your fathers crime?" Petyr Baelish asks.

"No my lords. I know he must be punished. All I ask is mercy." She pleads. "I know my father must regret what he did. He was king Robert's friend, and he loved him, he always loved him, you know this. He never wanted to be hand until the king asked him. They must have all lied to him, Lord Renly, Lord Stannis...Somebody! They must have lied!"

Joffrey was looking at the floor, "He said i wasn't the king. He said my sister should have the throne. Why would he say that?"

"He was badly hurt. Maester Pycelle was giving him milk of the poppy. He wasn't himslef, otherwise he would never have said that. We all know Lyanna should never be queen." She glances at me.

I couldn't believe she said that. I know she wants to please Joffrey but like I would be a worse ruler than Joffrey. 

"A childs faith. Such sweet innocence," I compliment her. "And yet they say wisdoms often comes from the mouths of babes."

"Treason is treason!" Pycelle pushes.

"Anything else?" questions Joffrey.

"If you have any affection in your heart for me please, do me this kindness, your grace."

"Your sweet words have moved me,"he tells her. He has everyone fooled. "But your father has to confess. He has to say I am the King, of there will be no mercy for him."

"He will," she says, and Joffrey smiles at her. 

"Very good my lady. You may leave us," Joffrey says waving her away. She bowed her head and rose to her feet, the nobles parted as she left the throne room. And even though Joffrey said he would offer mercy he was never too good at keeping his word. 

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