Comes Of Age

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"Lyanna!" Renly cries running towards me in the hall, "It's Robert, we were hunting, a boar." I notice his hands and shirt are covered in blood. He turns around and starts running back down the hall.  My breath starts to shorten, I can hardly breathe. I pick up my skirts and run after Renly. I stand there outside the door listening to him talk to who I assume is Joffrey.

"I should've spent more time with you. Shown you how to be a man. I was never meant to be a father."He says clearly not breathing well. I feel someones hand on my shoulder and turn to see Ned Stark with my uncle. I push the door open and slowly walk in. My mother turns to look as we enter.  My father looks at me and I can see he is in so much pain I can't help but cry.

"Go on," He whispers to Joffrey. "You don't want to see this." Joffrey just stands and leaves, I can tell he's mad that my father didn't make me leave as well.

"My fault," he says as I step towards him, "Too much wine, missed my thrust." I pull back the sheet to see his side ripped open. "Stinks. Stinks like death. Don't think I can't smell it. I paid the bastard back Ned. I drove my knife right through his brain ask them if I didn't ask them." I just look at my Uncle and Ser Barristan. "I want the funeral feast to be the biggest the kingdoms ever saw. And i want everyone to taste the boar that got me. Now leave us the lot of you, I have to talk to my daughter. But not you Ned."

"Robert my sweet." My mother protested.

"Out! All of you!" He yells coughing. Everyone leaves leaving Ned and me alone. "Lyanna. My sweet girl. I'm glad you came home with me." I just smile while tears fall down my face. "I only wanted to marry you to Robb because I knew he was a great man like his father here and I wanted to get you far away from Cersei. Now you'll be alone with her, and i'm sorry."

"Father i can handle mother, don't worry." I mumble.

"I know you can. Ned don't let Cersei send her away now that i'm gone." Ned just nods, "Now go, I don't want you too see my die."

I just nod and stand up kiss my father on the head as a final goodbye and leave his room. Hearing the door shut behind me. I find Renly outside and he just holds me as I cry into his chest. Ned Stark walks out shortly asking for milk of the poppy for my father, which means he's going to die.

"Come," Renly whisper as he takes me back to my room. After he leaves I just lay in my bed and cry myself to sleep.
Ned Stark has asked me to meet him to discuss my fathers last words and how he left the throne to me.
"Lord Stark!" A messenger calls. His men turn and try to stop him from getting close to us.
"It's all right. It's all right let him through." Ned says.
"Lord Stark, your grace King Joffrey and the queen regent request your presence in the throne room."
"King Joffrey?" I question.
"King Robert is gone, the gods give him rest."

I can hear the bells ring as we walk through the courtyard to the throne room. Little finger and Varys are there waiting for us.

"All is accomplished the city watch it's yours." Littlefinger reported.

"Good."answers Ned.

"Is my uncle joining us?" I ask.

"I'm fear lord Renly left the city. He rode through the old gate and hour before dawn with Ser Loras Tyrell and some fifty retainers, last seen galloping south in some haste." Vryas explains. I just push through them both and make my way inside. I push open the doors to see Joffrey sitting on the iron throne and my mother sitting next to him.

"All hail his grace, Joffrey of the houses Baratheon and Lannister, first of his name, king of the andals and first men, lord of the seven kingdoms and protector of the realm." Someone announces. I try to walk straight up to the thrones but Ser Barristan stops me.

"Let me through!"I demand.

"Sister what are you doing here?" Joffrey asks me sitting up straight.

"You summoned me remember?"

"Yes well, I command the council to make all the necessary arrangements for my coronation. I wish to be crowned within the fortnight. Today i shall except odes of fealty from my loyal council." No one says anything. The room is quiet until Ned Stark interrupts the silence.

"Ser Barristan, I believe no man here could ever question your honor." He hands him the proclamation.

"King Robert's seal, unbroken." He then proceeds to open and read it, "Lord Eddard Stark is here named protector of the realm. To rule as regent until the heir Lyanna Baratheon come of age." Joffrey looks me and then our mother with complete shock.

"May i see that letter Ser Barristan?" Cersei asks walking towards him. She reads it for a moment, "Protector of the realm. Is this meant to be your shield lord Stark?" And she rips the letter and throws it on the ground. "A piece of paper."

"Those were the Kings words!" I stated.

"We have a new king now." She insisted, "Lord Stark the last time we spoke you offered me some council, allow me to return the courtesy. Bend the knee my lord, bend the knee and swear loyalty to my son, and we will allow you to live out your days in the grey waste you call home."

"Your son has no claim to the throne." My mother just scoffes at his words.

"Liar!" Joffrey shouts.

"You condemn yourself with your own mouth lord stark. Ser Barristan seize this traitor."

"Ser Barristan is a good man a loyal man do him no harm." I demanded the city watch.

"You think he stands alone?"Cersei questions. That's when the hound unsheathes his sword.

"Kill him! Kill all of them i command it!" yells Joffrey.

"Commander take the queen and her children into custody." Orders Ned. "Escort them back to their royal apartments and keep them there under guard."

"Men of the watch." all the men point their spears towards my brother.

"I want no bloodshed." Ned insisted, "tell your men to lay down their swords. No one needs to die."

"Now!" Yells the commander. And the city watch turns and kill Eddards bodyguards. It all happens so fast, and I can't do anything but watch. Vyras grabs me and pulls me away from everything and the last thing i hear is Litterfinger's words to Ned Stark.

"I did warn you not to trust me."

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