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I'm packing all my stuff because we are leaving in the morning. My handmaidens always insist they pack my things but I have a specific way of doing it and I like packing myself. I am almost done putting away all my dresses when I hear a knock at the door.
"Hello?" I call.
Jon pushes the heavy wooden door open "Lyanna? I just wanted to come and say goodbye. A proper goodbye since we can't be together in front of everyone." He says as he walks in.
"Oh yes goodbye. I forgot about saying goodbye." I sniffle as I sit on my bed.
" I know you don't want to say goodbye and I don't either but, it seems like the only thing we can do."
"It's not the only thing we can do. You could come with me. We could go to Dorne! I know the prince, Trystane we could go stay with him! Bastards aren't looked down on in Dorne! We would be free to be in the sun and go sailing!"
"But you would never be able to see your family again."
"I don't care you would be my family and we could have a family of our own. Please."
"I want to you know I do but we just can't it's impossible."
"I know... I just... I thought..."
"I know, it's hard. But I know you'll find someone and you are going to have beautiful children and you are going to be a wonderful mother and live in a castle by the sea. You are going to have everything you want."
"I want you." I say looking into Jon's eyes.
"You say that now, but just wait you'll see." He holds me as I cry into his chest.
"Let's be together then." I say as I dry my tears, "Right here. Right now."
"Are you sure?" He asks quietly. I just nod. Jon must have understood what I meant because he places his hand on the back of my neck and kisses me. I starts out slow and soft but quickly becomes fast and rough. I can feel Jon's hands moving up and down my body and I feel goosebumps start to cover my skin.
"I should go," he whispers in between breaths.
"I don't want you to go."
"I have to." Jon slowly stands up and walks towards the door.
"Jon wait," I say running up to him kissing him again. This time he picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. He walks with me towards the bed and places me down slowly. He takes his shirt off and starts kissing me again. I run my fingers up his back tracing his muscles with my fingertips. I stop kissing him and start trying to take my gown off. Jon helps me with the corset while still trying to kiss me. I raise my arms as he pulls the first layer of my dress off. It hits the floor and I feel more exposed than ever, standing there in just my thin under layer.
"You're so beautiful." Is all Jon says as he looks at me. He walks over to me and starts to pull my underwear off and he drops it on the floor next to us. He starts moving closer and closer until we are both on the bed Jon on top of me. I can feel the soft furs underneath my bare skin. Jon starts kissing my neck trailing kisses down my whole body. He fiddles with his pants and eventually gets them off. I can't help but notice every muscle that is on his body.
"Wait." I whisper. I sit up pick up the candle beside my bed and blow it out.

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