The Kings Favourite

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"Father!" I say excitedly as I run towards my father wrapping my arms around him. "Lyanna, my beautiful sweet Lyanna." He says with a smile on his face. I cannot help but smile at the ground, embarrassed by the words he uses to describe me. For I am no beauty.

"Come here child, sit," my father motions to me to sit at the chair in front of him, "We're going North."

"To Winterfell? Why? I hate Winterfell it's cold and dark and well cold!"

"Well you are going. I'm going to name Ned Stark as hand of the king. And if i have to go all the way to winterfell with Cersei you are coming with me." he laughed with the last part.

"Fine." I whisper shaking my head giving up, there was no way i was getting out of this one. "There is another reason you have to come with me," my father explains, "You must come because this time you will not be leaving winterfell."

"And why is that?" I ask, staring at him with a confused look on my face.

"Because Winterfell will be your new home. Because you will marry Ned Starks oldest son, Robb."

"Marry? Robb Stark? I don't want to marry Robb Stark, i've only ever meet him once and we were children. I thought I was to marry a prince in Dorne? I want to be where the sun shines all year long, I don't want to be stuck in some dark castle with winter coming!" I protested.

"Well you will go and you will marry Robb Stark. Do you understand?" my father answered sternly.

"But father, please." i plead.

" Do you understand." he demanded.

"Yes father." i mumbled, knowing there is no winning i just give in.

" Just look at your mother and i, here we sit seventeen years later holding it all together. Do you think she ever gets tired." Robert said.

"Everyday" i reply with a smirk.

" How long can hate hold something together."

"Well seventeen years is a long time."

"Yes it is."

"Yes it is. What was she like." I've never ask my father, referring to Lyanna Stark.

"You've never asked about her, not once, why now?" asks my father.

"Well at first I thought that talking about it would just breathe life back into her, but now if i am truely to become Lyanna Stark I want to know what she was like." I reply.

"But why now?" he questions.

" What harm could Lyanna Starks ghost do to us that you and mother haven't done to each other a hundred times over?" I remarked.

"You want to know the horrible truth? I can't even remember what she looked like. All i know is, she was the one thing i ever wanted and someone took her away from me. And seven kingdoms couldn't fill the whole she left behind." he admitted, tears were starting to form in his eyes.

"I know mother felt something for you once you know,"

"I know." he interrupted.

"She said it was after you lost your first boy. For quite a while actually. Was it ever possible for you? Ever a time? ever a moment?" I questioned.

"No." he responded his face never changing, "does that make you feel better or worse?"

"That doesn't make me feel anything." I say, and with that I stand and leave.

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