The Knight of The Flowers

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Sitting at this tourney in the sun in my heavy dress is making me so hot I just want to die. Not to mention Joffrey won't stop smirking at me. It's making me quite uncomfortable so I decide to go find Sansa and sit with her. I see her staring at Joffrey but he won't even look at her, the poor girl tries so hard.

"Lovers quarrel?" I ask sitting down next to her.

"I'm sorry your grace."

"Why are you sorry?"

"I don't know your grace."

"It's because she just wants you to like her she doesn't want to offend you!" Ayra pipes in.

"Ayra!" Sansa yells.

"Don't be rude!" Septa Mordane scolds her.

I giggle at Ayra's comment. Just then I can hear my father yelling, "I've been sitting here for days! Start the damn joust before i piss myself." Great he's drunk. But then again when isn't he. My mother stands up and leaves obviously bored and done with my father's behaviour. I wish I could leave.

"Gods who's that?" Sansa asks looking at the first rider.

"Ser Gregor Clagane, they call him the mountain." I explain. "The hounds older brother."

"And his opponent?"

"Ser Hugh of the Veil. He was Jon Arryn's squire. Look how far he's come."

"Yes,yes enough with the bloody pom have at it." My father says. And with that both of the men ride to opposite sides of the jousting field. The jousters ride towards eachother and miss. The second time they ride towards each other and the mountains lance breaks and a piece goes right into ser Hugh's neck. Sansa screams beside me and I just sit here in shock. He just lays there on the ground choking on his own blood. Some men come and drag his body away which is lying just a few feet from us. This is when the creep of a man littlefinger decides to join us.

"Your grace, mi'lady not what you were expecting?" He sits down next to me. "Has anyone ever told you the story about the mountain and the hound?" I look back at hound who is standing behind Joffrey like always.

"Lovely little tale about brotherly love. The hound was just a pup six years old maybe, Gregor a few years older. Already a big lad, already getting a reputation. Some say lucky boys are just born with the talent of violence. One evening Gregor found his little brother playing with a toy by the fire. Gregors toy. A wooden knight. Gregor never said a word he just grabbed his brother by the scruff of his neck and shoved his face into the burning coals. Held him there while the boy screamed, while his face melted." He leans away and looks me in the eye, "There aren't very many people who know that story."

"We won't tell anyone we promise," says Sansa.

"No please don't. If the hound so much as hears you mention it i'm afraid all the knights in Kingslanding would not be able to save you." I look over at Sansa who is pale as a ghost, I however already knew this story so it was not news for me. The mountain rides back infront of my father and waits for the next competitor.

"The night of the flowers." I inform Sansa. Ser Loras rides up to me stops and hands me a red rose. "Thank you Ser Loras." He nods at me but I can't help but notice his eyes are somewhere else. He just smiles and rides away.

Sansa grabs my arm, "Don't let ser Gregor hurt him

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Sansa grabs my arm, "Don't let ser Gregor hurt him." I place my hand on hers. "I can't watch."

"A hundred gold dragons on the mountain," Litterfinger yells back at my uncle Renly.

"I'll take that bet." he replies.

"Now what will I buy with a hundred gold dragons? A dozen barrels of Dornish wine? Or a girl from the pleasure houses of Lys."

"You could even buy a friend."

"He's going to die." Sansa says to me.

"Ser Loras rides well" I reassure her.

The two men ride fast towards each other lances ready to knock their opponent off. Just a moment later Ser Loras knocks the mountain over. I can hear my uncle laughing knowing he won the bet.

"Such a shame littlerfinger it would've been so nice of you to have a friend."

"And tell me lord Renly," I turn back to look at them, "When will you be having your friend?" Littlefinger says as he gestures towards Loras.

Littlerfinger pokes his head in between ours "Loras knew his man was in heat, quite crafty of him."

"Ser Loras would never do that there is no honor in tricks." Sansa defends him.

"No honor but quite a bit of gold." I answer.

The mountain throws his helmet on the ground then calls for his sword. He pulls is out of his sheath as Loras bows before the king. Then with one clean swing of his sword he slices the horse's head. I stand up in shock. The mountain then goes and swings at Loras. He keeps swing at him with his sword until his brother the hound moves towards him yelling "Leave him be!"

The hound starts fighting his brother and I run back over to my father. They start swinging at each other and Joffrey stands up worried about his precious dog.

"Father stop this." I say and he just continues to watch. "Father please do something! Stop this!" I begged.

"Stop this madness in the name of your king!" He shouts. The hound gets down on one knee and his brother's swing just misses his head. Ser Gregor throws down his sword and walks away.

"Let him go" My father yells, and no one dares get in the Mountains way. The hound stands and Loras moves towards him.

"I owe you my life ser." Loras spoke.

"I'm no ser." The hound answers. Loras grabs the hounds hand and raises his arm. I see Sansa stand and people follow and they all clap for Ser Loras and the Hound. I however do not clap but I happen to meet with Loras's eyes and he just smiles and nods at me.

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