Plans and Stories

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I sat staring out at the ocean from a rocky overlook, listening to the waves crash on the rocks i closed my eyes and just listened. My mind was trying to escape to anywhere but where I was. I was so focused on the sound of the waves I didn't even hear Margaery approach.
Margaery cleared her throat,  "Ahem." I turned my head to look at her.

"Sorry," She said, "I didn't mean to disturb you."

" You haven't," I replied.
She turned to my guards and hers, "We'd like some privacy please. If you wouldn't mind waiting for us inside the keep we wont be long."
The guards turn to me wanting for my response.  "Go on, this will only be a moment." The guards leave us alone, and Margaery sits down next to me.

"What were you praying for?"she asks.

"I can't tell you," I reply knowing I wasn't praying but just wishing for a way to escape this hurried place.

"Why not? I'll tell you what I prayed for in the sept this morning. Let's see, for my family's health and happiness, for an end to the war, for a short winter. Boring and traditional, I'm afraid. And you?"

"I'm sorry, but I just can't."

" Want to hear a story," but Margaery didn't wait for my response she just carried on, "My cousin Alanna was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. When I was 12, I was all elbows and knees and Alanna looked like a goddess sent to torture me. Pig-face, she called me."

"Pig-face? That's ridiculous. You are so beautiful why would she call you that?"

"I think it had something to do with my nose. Whenever she passed me in the halls, she'd oink." Margaery pushed up her nose as she said that. I couldn't help but laugh.

"So i prayed every day that she would catch a horrible skin disease. A week after that, she came down with porridge plague."

"Porridge plague?" I ask since i had never heard of that.

"You don't have it in Kings Landing?" She looks surprised, "Your skin starts to look like boiled oats and eventually your face slides off and you die in agony."

"That sounds awful." I was quite horrified.

Margaery laughed covering her mouth with her hand.

"You're- I believed you! Porridge plague. I'm an idiot." I laugh. I couldn't believe i was so gullible. "So what happened to Alanna?"

"Oh, she grew up to be the most beautiful woman and married a handsome lord and they have darling children and live in a castle by the sea. It's all terribly frustrating."

Margaery stands and reaches for my hand, "Come on we better start heading back." I stand up and we linked arms and started walking back to the keep.  We were walking for a while when i finally said "I'm sure she's jealous of you now. You'll be married here in the capital and she'll have to come watch and pretend to be happy that you're queen."

"You're right," She says, "and I can't wait to see the look on her face!" Margaery stops and take both of my hands in hers.

"Lyanna I want us to be friends, good friends." She smiles at me with her kind eyes.

"That would make me very happy." I smile.

She smiled back then said "You must see Highgarden. You'd love it there. I know you would. We have a great masquerade the night of the harvest moon. You should see the costumes. People work on them for months."

"I don't think the my mother would let me leave King's Landing."

"The Queen Regent, you mean." She corrected me "Once I marry Joffrey, I'll be queen. And if you were to marry Loras... Oh, your place would be at Highgarden, wouldn't it? We would be sisters, you and I. Would you like that?" I had never thought about marrying Loras as a way out but now i was determined to. I had to try everything i could to get away from my mother and Joffrey. We stopped to watch Loras and another man sparring. Loras was kind and very handsome, and he did give me a rose after winning with joust so maybe he had some interest in me.

"He's such a splendid fighter. Do you have any idea when we might?"

"I'll plant the seed as soon as Joffrey and I are married. It should grow quickly." She smiles.

I shake my head "Joffrey won't let me leave. He's got too many reasons to keep me here."

"And only one to let you go. Because it will please me." She reply's, "I have lots to teach you about men"

I had left Margaery and walked back to look out at the sea. I was watching the ships drift far out to see wondering where they were going and who they were carrying on them. "She may not be the grandest ship in the world or the fastest, but she's mine." I immediately knew who's voice that was.

"I've always wanted a ship." I turn to face Lord Baelish. There he was, mocking pinned to his coat as always, with the same sly grin on his face.

"So did i and now I want a dozen."He walks up to me and stands close beside me. So close i can smell him over the salt from the ocean, he always smells of incense. 

"Strange, isn't it?" I ask him.

"What is?" He responds.

"It doesn't matter what we want, once we get it, then we want something else."

"Your hair is different. You don't wear it like most ladies do now, the way Lady Margaery does." He changes the conversation.

"I think Lady Magaery gets enough flattery from every other lady who wears their hair the same i dont think she is concerned what i do with mine. What do you want Lord Baelish."

"I have good news." He states and smiles.

"You'll be leaving the city soon?"

"Yes. Do you still want me to take Lady Stark with me?"he questions. I have be trying to get Sansa out of Kingslanding for some time know and i know Lord Baelish is like a brother to her mother, it only seemed like he was the best option to get her home and back with her family. I didn't trust him but i did not have very many options. I wondered how Robb was, i wished he would stop this war and just go back to Winterfell. I still care for him and his well-being and i dont see things going well for him if he continues on, trying to bring justice for his fathers death is just causing more death. I hope it will not cause the death of him as well.

"It's not a question of what I want. It is what's best for her. She wants to go home and it is much safer for her to be with her family."

" I agree," he takes my arm and we start walking, "But maybe it would be better to wait. I've been thinking how dangerous it would be. Not just for me and her, but for you. I'd feel terrible if anything happened to you if anyone caught wind of your plan for me to take the Stark girl back home."

"I'm touched I am by your concern for my welfare Lord Baelish, I didn't know you cared so much for me." I hoped he heard the sarcasm in my voice, i know he cares for one person and one person only, himself.

"I hope you know that I'm your friend, Lyanna." He looks over at me.

"Weren't you Ned Starks friend before you got him killed?"

I am so sorry i have been quiet for so long! Life has been crazy but I am happy to say i have found a new motivation for writing and i will be working extra hard to put out new chapters often! I just want to say thank you to everyone who has been reading and hopefully enjoying my story! Part of the reason i want to start writing more is because of you! Everyone who reads and votes! It makes me so happy to think so many people like my work! Once again i would love any feedback anyone has because i want to make this story as enjoyable as possible! So please comment and let me know what you love or hate!
Sending everyone out there love,

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