First Meetings

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He was so tired of all of this. Night laid curled up on his side, still feeling the fluids leak out of him from the session earlier with Shattered. He didn't understand why his brother decided to eat the black apple. Dream was always loved by everyone, while he was hated and shunned from the village. If anything, Night should've been the one to lose it and eat the apple, but it seemed as if everything was always against him.

With a weak noise, he sat up, wincing at the pain flaring up in his abdomen. Shattered was rather rough this time, but when has he ever been gentle with him? Night has been here for who knows how long and has been used as nothing more than a toy, whether it be for sex or for torture. Everyone in Shattered's gang used him, each of them being just as rough and unforgiving as Shattered himself. Blue and Killer were rough and always had a knife to his neck, Dust and Ink were silent and used him whenever they felt like it, making sure to leave near permanent bruises on him, and Cross, although the most gentle of them all (not by much), was mean and cold, physically harming Night if he did anything out of place. Then there was Shattered, who gave less of a fuck when it came to Night. He only cared about himself and chasing his own pleasure, finding joy in harming Night and making him suffer. Night questioned why he was even still alive, but he recalled Shattered saying something along the lines of, "you're just too cute for me to let go", but he was pretty sure it was another way of saying, "you're mine", just without saying it.

The last of the fluids leaked out of Night's abused hole and he shuddered, finally feeling somewhat clean now that the bastard's semen was out of him. He found it difficult to unsummon the ecto, but he didn't bother to care. He was going to be forced to resummon it anyways. He inched over to where his discarded pants were and slipped them on, hissing when the fabric brushed against the newly formed bruises. With a sigh, he moved back over to the corner of the cell and curled up, letting out a sob. Lilac tears dripped down his face and onto the ground underneath him. He just wanted this whole thing to be over, wishing that it was nothing but a bad dream. But the pain in his body gave him a reality check, making him remember that this was all real and it was happening. Night continued to sob quietly for what seemed like hours, but he quickly shut himself up when he heard the dungeon door close shut.

Night brought his hands to his face, praying to someone that Shattered wasn't coming back for more. He wiped his face on his sleeves, drying the tears on his cheeks. Night was always scared to be punished for something he did, even if it was something small such as crying. His breathing stopped when he heard heavy footsteps make their way towards his cell, stopping once the person was in front of his door. Night heard the click of the lock and watched as the wooden door slowly opened up, relieving the owner of the footsteps. The small skeleton hid his face in his knees and shook, awaiting for what's to come. He waited, and waited, and waited.

After a few minutes had passed and nothing had happened, Night slowly lifted his head, seeing a soft glow of red illuminate the room. He furrowed his brows in confusion. He's never seen red, it was always purple, blue, or black. His gaze trailed to the source of the red light, seeing a large red orb inside the eye sockets of the new skeleton. Purple pupils shrunk a bit as he took in the sight of the new skeleton. He knew he was smaller compared to the other skeleton's he's seen, but this skeleton had to be the largest one he's ever seen, his mear silhouette taking up nearly the entire door frame.

The larger took a step into the room, letting the door close behind him as he moved towards the small skeleton. Night sunk into his shoulders as the newcomer walked towards him. He shut his eyes tightly, hoping that this new skeleton wouldn't hurt him. The footsteps stopped, but a shuffling sound was heard right after, along with the soft clang of a tray being set down. Purple orbs blinked open and he glanced at the tray in front of him. His gaze slowly drifted up to the skeleton seated on the other side of the tray, his pupils shrinking to pinpricks once he saw the skeleton's head. Whoever this monster was looked like he was dangerous, and the large hole in his skull made Night think he couldn't be killed. He was so focused on the red orb, he didn't notice that it was actually the eye of this new skeleton.

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