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"Horror, the boss is asking for ya." Dust muttered, standing near the large skeleton who was in the middle of washing dishes. "I will finish the dishes if you leave right now." He offered, though it sounded more like a command that was given to him when Shattered sent him to fetch Horror.

Horror looked up from the sink and huffed, setting down the dish he was washing and shaking off his hands, wiping the excess water off on his hoodie. With a nod, he walked past Dust and went straight for his office. A shiver went down the skeleton's spine as he walked the hallways. The feeling wasn't unusual, as he always felt a hint of fear when he was called to Shattered's quarters. Though he couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen, specifically to him. Coming up to the office doors, Horror thought about bailing last minute, avoiding talking to Shattered all together. A quiet growl rumbled in his throat. That would only make things worse, and Shattered always made sure to punish for even the smallest of things. It was shocking with how lenient he was with him to begin with, but that could be blamed because of his memory issues.

Raising a hand up to knock on the door, he was shocked when the door opened on itself, Shattered sitting in his office on the other side of the room and smiling at him. Horror blinked at him, trying to ignore the way his boss was looking at him. "Ah, I've been expecting you. Please, come in." Shattered raised a hand, beckoning for Horror to enter the office. The larger hesitated stepping foot into the room, his instincts screaming at him to turn around and walk away. He mentally cursed at himself for leaving his ax in his room. The darker coughed, pulling Horror out of his thoughts. He could tell Shattered was getting impatient. With a sigh, he entered the room, the door closing behind him, trapping him in the room with his boss. "Come closer." Shattered ordered, his eye narrowing on Horror.

Horror took small steps forward, taking note of how his boss' demeanor changed. That wasn't good. He gulped and continued taking small steps until Shattered raised a hand. "Stop." He stood up from his chair, his eye never leaving Horror. "Sit." Horror narrowed his own red eye at Shattered's for a moment. He did not like the way his boss was talking to him, nor the tone he was using. He sat down on his knees with a growl, his hands resting on his lap as he lowered his head. "Good boy." Shattered smirked, strolling up to Horror. "Now, I've noticed a few things these past few days. I'm sure you've noticed as well." He gave Horror a side eye as he circled the large skeleton. Horror furrowed his brows. What was his boss talking about?

"You see, Night has been a lot more...confident as of late, and the amount of positivity radiating from him is almost sickening. But that wasn't the only thing I've noticed." He placed a hand on Horror's shoulder, standing right beside him. "No one just becomes happy out of nowhere unless it's by an outside source. Given Night's circumstance, he should be hopeless. However, he seems to be excited about something, or should I say someone." Horror took note of the sudden shift in Shattered's tone at the last word and a shiver went down his spine. A grin grew on Shattered's face as he felt Horror stiffen under his touch. "I've come to find out that he cares about someone, someone who is close to him."

The hand on Horror's shoulder tightened its grip and Horror's eye wavered. "Everyone in this castle has been down there and has done things to him, except you." He released Horror's shoulder and stepped in front of the skeleton, forcing the other to look up at him. "You've been the only one who hasn't used him for sexual desires, nor have you done anything to hurt him. As far as I know, you only feed him, isn't that correct?" Horror gave a twitchy nod. His breath caught in his throat as Shattered leaned down, grinning as he whispered. "Then why do you go down there every night?"

Horror gasped silently, his teeth parting momentarily. Shattered took the opportunity to violently shove a tentacle down Horror's throat, making the other gag. On instinct, Horror's jaws clamped around the tendril, but to his shock, his teeth didn't connect. In fact, it felt as if the tentacle was growing in girth, forcing his jaws apart. A whine left Horror and an evil smile formed on Shattered's face. "What? You thought I wouldn't notice? I could feel the positivity radiating from you two, it kept me up all night." He grimaced, the tentacle in Horror's mouth widening, causing Horror to let out another pained whine. "I was just with Night a few minutes ago. You should've seen his face when I told him I would punish you instead of him."

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