Growing Closer

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Night awoke with a yawn, slowly blinking his eyes open. He hasn't had a good night's sleep like that for a very long time. Realizing he was leaning up against the wall, Night shifted so he was up right. Pain flared up in his back and his winced, hissing softly as he reached a hand behind him. Brows furrowed when he didn't feel the deep gashes, only a closed up wound. He could've sworn that Horror wrapped bandages around him. Speaking of. He glanced around the room for the larger skeleton, and as expected, he wasn't there. Horror must've left before sunrise so he wouldn't get caught. Smart move on his part, but unfortunate for Night. He was really hoping to see the skeleton.

With a sigh, he slouched against the stone wall, not caring about the burning pain in his lower back. He really liked being held in Horror's arms, it felt warm and safe. Ivory cheeks slowly turned purple at the thought of the previous night. Horror was so gentle with him, handing him like he was the most delicate thing in the world. No one has ever touched him with such gentleness and it made his soul flutter. He's never felt this way about anyone, and he questioned if it was because Horror has been the only one to show kindness. That or if it was the fact that the larger skeleton was the only one who fed him. Night shifted his leg and hummed when he felt something bump against it. Purple orbs flickered downwards, catching sight of a napkin and a mug next to it. Raising a brow, he reached forward and picked up the napkin, along with the contents wrapped within it. Peeling back the napkin, he breath caught in his throat. Two chocolate chip cookies sat in his hand, looking like they've just been freshly baked.

Night stared at the treats for a few minutes, his soul fluttering again in his ribcage. Horror didn't leave these for him, did he? Slowly, he picked up one of the cookies and brought it to his teeth, taking a small bite out of the treat. He let out a moan at the taste and took another bite. Though the cookies were cold, they tasted as if they were just brought out of the oven. So much love was put into the small treat and it made Night's soul melt. He didn't realize he was taking the last bite of the second cookie before he wiped his face. He reached out and grabbed the mug, feeling that it was still quite warm. Looking inside the mug, Night felt his soul skip a beat. The steaming black liquid rippled as Night stared at it. All too eager, Night chugged down the beverage, feeling the warm liquid run down his sore throat. The coffee was brewed to perfection and he sighed in content. He hasn't had coffee in so long and it felt good to taste the bitter drink again. Setting the mug down, his gaze trailed to the door. A part of him wished Horror had stayed. He wanted to wake up in the warm embrace and nuzzle against the larger, watching as the cute blush appeared on Horror's cheeks.

Night sat up straight, pausing his thoughts. He really was falling for the skeleton, wasn't he. A small smile formed on his face and he gave a small chuckle. Trouble was coming his way and he didn't care. Nothing else mattered as long as he was able to see Horror.

The next few days went by somewhat smoothly for Night. As expected, Shattered came back and punished him for his spike in happiness, that time he was met with fractured ribs. No matter how badly he was abused, Horror always came back to heal him. There were times when Horror would feed him for every meal of the day, and others where he would only come by late at night, which only happened if Night got punished. The larger would patch up his wounds, making sure that he was properly taken care of before doing anything else. On those nights, Horror would stay and hold him. Also for the fact that Night would have an iron grip on his jacket, preventing the larger from leaving. It was amusing that Horror would stay put and not leave on his own, he had much more strength than Night, so there was nothing stopping him from leaving. But he never said anything, as he always felt Horror cuddle or nuzzle him back. Night had never felt so happy in his whole life, and he wouldn't change it for the world.

Unbeknownst to Night and Horror, Shattered felt the sudden shift of emotions within both skeletons. He noticed the small changes in Night's behavior. The smaller becoming more stubborn and fighting back a few times. He also noticed how Horror became much more eager to head down to the dungeon when it was time to feed Night. Though Horror would still listen to him, he could tell that the larger would drift into thought whenever he talked about Night. There was something happening between the two and Shattered didn't like it. He needed to do something about this before it got out of hand. And he knew exactly where to start. 

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