Healing and Kisses

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The following days made Night wonder what exactly Shattered had done to Horror. It was obvious he had done something, as Horror hasn't spoken a word to him in days. Another thing Night had noticed was that Horror wore his hood all the time, obscuring his face. Although it seemed like Horror wore it for his own reasons, Night wasn't too fond of it. He missed seeing Horror's face, and he wanted nothing more than to see that beautiful smile on his sharp features. He missed hearing Horror's raspy voice, his hearty laugh. He wanted to see that large, gorgeous, warm red eyelight that made his soul do flips in his ribcage. As much as Night wanted all of this, he wouldn't pry on Horror for the sudden change in behavior, nor would he question the extreme spike in negativity coming from the larger. He felt the change in Horror and it made him upset. Deep down, he was going to punish Shattered; he knew damn well his corrupted twin had something to do with Horror's change in behavior.

Night sat cross-legged against the back wall of the cell, staring up at the ceiling, purple eyelights focusing on each little detail in the stone in hopes of tracing out a picture. Pushing all his thoughts to the back of his head, he let his mind go blank, or at least tried to. Ever since Horror had started staying with him in the cell throughout the night, he had begun to feel lonely in the cell. Night could only wait for the larger skeleton to come to his cell, either to give him food or to stay the night.

The cell door unlocked, making Night's eyelights dart to the door. With slow movements, the larger skeleton stepped into the cell, closing the door behind him as he made his way towards the prince. Night gave the broken skeleton a small smile as the other sat down, setting the tray of food in front of him. With a quiet thank you, Night began eating, glancing up at Horror every little bit. He noticed how very little Horror would move his head when usually, Horror tilted his head to the side or rested it in his palm. It reminded Night of how their first meeting went. Horror was very stiff and unmoving, but he has relaxed a bit more now that they've gotten to know each other. Night thought to himself as he began to realize he had never noticed this in the past few days.

Finishing his meal, Night set the plate back down on the tray and focused on Horror, sitting up on his haunches. "Hey...uhm... you've been quiet these past few days, and I've been wondering if something has happened. Are...are you okay?" He didn't get a response. Horror shifted a bit, turning his head ever so slightly with a quiet, pained whine. Night's eyes widened at the sound. Horror was hurt, and he knew the one who was responsible for it. ".... what did he do?" He kept his voice soft, slowly inching towards Horror. The broken skeleton held up a shaky hand, his other gripping the hem of his jacket. With his raised hand, Horror held up four fingers and his thumb folded over his hand, then curled up his fingers, raising his pointer and middle and crossing them. Night blinked as he came to a realization. Horror was using sign language. From the looks of it, he was spelling out a word, so Night focused on his hand, watching each of the signs.


Broken? What did he mean by that? Night thought for a moment, letting the word sit in his mind. Was he talking about a broken bone? Did Shattered break one of his bones? Night furrowed his brows at the thought. It was the only thing that made sense. Shattered had hurt Horror by breaking bones. Night grimaced, feeling hatred for the corrupted skeleton boil inside of him.

With a sigh, he pushed the feelings down and focused back on Horror, his face full of concern. "Did he break a bone?" Horror stayed silent, his hand slowly spelling out the three lettered word that answered Night's question. Night slowly moved closer, bringing a hand up to touch Horror's cheek. Horror violently jerked back with a pained sound and Night retracted his hand. 'His face...what did Shattered do...' Night kept the thought to himself, placing his hand back on his lap. "I'm not going to hurt you... you know that. Please...show me what he did.."

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