Finding out

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Shattered marched to Night's cell, his tendrils rigid and sharpened in agitation. He could feel positivity radiating from within the cell and he hated it. It made him weak. Letting out a growl, a tentacle slammed open the dungeon door and he walked through, heading straight for Night's cell. He could feel even more positive emotions coming from inside. Yuck. Coming up to the wooden door, Shattered kicked it open with enough force for it to crack in multiple places, bits of wood flying into the cell.

Night jumped nearly a foot in the air from the sudden noise. He was so lost in his thoughts, he hadn't heard the rapid footsteps coming towards his cell. Snapping his head in the direction of the door, he could see the visibly angered Shattered standing in the doorway. Before he could get to his feet, a tentacle had already wrapped itself around his body, pinning his arms to his side. The darker stepped into the cell, his golden eyelight narrowing at Night. The smaller glared back at Shattered, trying to slip his arms out of his hold. "What the fuck do you want." He spat.

Shattered was taken aback by the sudden aggression, but he glared back with the same amount of anger. Night was angry about something, and if he had to guess, it would most likely be about him interrupting something. He chuffed, he was going to get his answer quicker than he thought. Night was always the one who let his anger get the best of him, especially if he was so engrossed in something. "Wow, never thought I'd see the day you'd actually initiate the conversion." Night growled, narrowing his purple eyelights at him. "I've noticed that you've been a lot more... confident lately. Now, I could be wrong about this, but I have a feeling that there is something here that causes these positive emotions from you."

Night snorted, sneering at Shattered. "Wouldn't you like to know."

Shattered grit his teeth and threw Night against the stone wall, his frown turning upwards for a second when he heard the satisfying sound of bones cracking underneath Night's tunic. The smaller yelped and fell to the ground with a thud, instantly curling up to cradle his cracked ribs. He gasped for air as the darker chuckled darkly. "Well it has to be from something recent, you haven't acted this stubborn since I first caught you." Night slowly turned his head to send another glare at Shattered, the latter only chuckling more at his expression. "My my, don't waste all that spunk on me." He joked, his smile growing more when Night winced in pain. "Now let's see, what has changed in the past few days to cause you to be happy." Shattered folded his arms and raised his hand, tapping his finger against his cheek. "The answer is quite obvious, you've met Horror, given that he is the only one who feeds you, and comes down here multiple times a day. But how would that cause a spike in positivity hm?" He watched as purple orbs flickered for a split second, a faint spike in fear at the mention of the skeleton. Shatter's eye twitched and he frowned, he had a feeling Horror wouldn't be very aggressive with his twin. "I see. He's been nice to you."

"Don't hurt him!" Night spoke before his brain could catch up. He hadn't realized what he said until he watched as Shattered expression turned to one of pure malice.

"Oh? So that's how you feel about him." He threw his head back and laughed. How could he not have noticed before. Night had feelings for Horror, that was why the emotions were so strong. If he had to guess, he would say Horror reciprocated those same feelings. As stoic as Horror was, Shattered could easily tell the recent change in behavior with the large skeleton. Shattered sighed out and looked at Night with a smirk. "You don't have a say in what I do to my subordinates." A tentacle wrapped around Night's neck and forced him up, pulling him close so he was inches away from Shattered's face. "I'm going to give him the same punishment as I give you, and there is nothing you can do to stop me." He threw Night back to the ground and walked out of the cell, slamming the door behind him.

Night hit the ground with a grunt. He quickly got back to his feet and slammed himself against the cell door, banging on it with all his strength. He could care less about the pain flaring up in his body. "Stop, please! Use me instead, just don't hurt him! SHATTERED!!" His cries of protest fell on deaf ears as Shattered left the dungeon. Night screamed against the cell door. His knees gave out from underneath him and he lowered to the floor, lilac tears streaming down his face. He would give anything to prevent Horror from being dragged into this. Cracked bones rattled underneath his tunic as he cried, his soul screaming out for Horror to be safe.

The grin on Shattered's face widened as he heard the screams and cries of protests from the cell. Negativity flowed in waves from the skeleton within the confined space. He almost shuddered from the taste of the emotions he was consuming. Fear, guilt, and a hint of something else he couldn't quite put his tongue on. The corruption over his bones rippled in excitement as he walked back to his office. Getting Horror to come to his office would be the easy part, it would be keeping him in the right mindset the entire time that would be difficult, especially if the larger sensed that he was in danger. He knew Horror could do a complete 180 with his behavior, and it wasn't always good. As much as Shattered hated to admit it, Horror has broken his arm, along with a few ribs before during one of his episodes.

His grin morphed into a frown once he sat in his chair. He could force Horror to give him a blow job, but he'd rather not get castrated. Before he could do anything with the large skeleton, he would have to immobilize him, and at the same time, keep his jaw shut. Shattered learned the hard way when he found out Horror's jaw was much like a fucking bear trap. He would rather not have a repeat of that experience. Shattered thought long and hard on how he was going to proceed with his plan. An idea came to mind and a small grin formed on his face. Well, Horror's punishment didn't have to be sexual. Pain was always the best teacher.

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