Aftercare and Snuggles

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Horror jolted and sat straight up when the door to his room suddenly flew open. The fast movement made Horror's vision blur for a moment as his head spun, trying to catch up with reality. He blinked a few times before he was able to focus on the skeleton standing in his doorway. Killer leaned against the door frame with a smirk, twirling a knife in his hands as he spoke. "Thought I'd find ya in here. Anyways Boss wants to talk to ya. He said it's important or something." Horror rolled his eye and got to his feet, slipping on his sneakers before going over to the door where Killer stood. "Also, ya think you can make some cookies tonight? Crossy is too scared to ask ya himself."

"Fine.." He grumbled as he pushed past Killer and headed towards Shattered's office. He hated going there, it always made him feel uncomfortable. With a huff, he approached the office door and raised a hand to knock it. There was a pause in his movements as an idea came to him. Did he do something wrong? A shiver went down his spine as he started to panic. He doesn't remember doing anything wrong. The wooden door suddenly opened on its own, snapping Horror out of his thoughts. He didn't realize how long he had been standing there and that must've angered his Boss. If he wasn't in trouble before, he sure was now. Slowly, he stepped into the dark office, flinching as the door closed behind him. He could feel his Boss's eye on him and it made a shiver go down his spine. Clearing his throat, he spoke to his Boss in a quiet voice. "You needed me?"

Shattered hummed and set down the pen in his hand, glancing up at Horror. "Yes, I do. Our little friend in the dungeon wound himself up in a little bit of trouble. So as a part of his punishment, you are not to feed him for the rest of the day. No lunch, no dinner. Understood?" Horror responded with a nod and Shattered grinned. He loved it when his pet obeyed him. "Good, now get started on lunch. I'm tired of hearing everyone's complaints."

The rest of Horror's day went by fairly normal. He fed everyone lunch, did some more chores, broke the fight that happened between Dust and Killer (one of the few things he actually enjoyed doing in this place), and made dinner. As Horror scrubbed the dishes, he couldn't help but think about Night. He had to feed him, but his Boss said that he wasn't allowed to give him food until tomorrow. The broken skeleton had trouble understanding why having no food was a part of the punishment. Knowing he didn't understand why, he stopped his train of thought, not wanting another headache. The soft sound of crackling could be heard coming from his pocket as he dried the dishes and put them away. It just wasn't in Horror to not feed someone. He couldn't help himself.

Once the dishes were put away, he quietly snuck down to the dungeon. He was going to feed Night whether his boss liked it or not. Pushing open the door into the dungeon, he slipped through it and headed for Night's cell, unlocking the door. Before he pushed open the wooden door, he paused, hearing the quiet, muffled cries coming from the other side. Bloodstained fingers twitched and curled into a fist as Horror pushed open the door. The larger's eyes widened on the sight within the cell. A large puddle of mixed fluids sat in the middle of the cell, along with a purple trail that led to Night, who was sobbing in the corner. Horror's large shoulders sunk as he stood there, watching the smaller cry his eyes out. Without thinking, Horror teleported to the bathroom, grabbing the Med-kit before teleporting back into the cell. His head spun for a moment, trying to regain himself. He only ever short-cut when he needed to and it used a lot of his reserves, making him tired. Shaking his head, Horror slowly approached Night, being slow with his movements, not wanting to spook the skeleton even more.

"...Night..?" His voice was soft, just barely above a whisper as he knelt to the ground near Night. The smaller gasped and snapped his head up, glancing at the larger skeleton. Horror could barely react as Night pounced on him, clinging to him like he was his lifeline. Night buried his face into his shoulder and sobbed, shaking in Horror's hold. The broken skeleton set down the kit and adjusted his hold, wrapping an arm around Night. The smaller flinched and Horror thought he hurt him more until he saw the large gashes on Night's back. He growled to himself and opened up the kit, starting to clean the wounds. He hated hearing the pained whines from Night as he patched him up. He knew that it was hurting him and he had nothing to give him to soothe the pain. Once he finished wrapping the bandages on the last of Night's wounds and pulled the prince's clothes back on, he felt a smaller hand grasp his and he blinked down at Night.

The prince looked up at him with large, purple eyes, his face tearstained and red from all the crying. It was quiet for a few minutes as the two stared at each other, nothing but Horror's slow breathing and the occasional sniffle from Night. The smaller spoke after a few minutes, his voice raspy and quiet. "P-please don't go... I don't want to b-be alone." The face Night was making made it hard for Horror to say no. He knew he could get in a lot of trouble if he was caught down here and he didn't want to risk it. Horror could stay until the wounds close up, which would be quite awhile. It would be almost sunrise if he were to guess. Horror jumped when he felt Night snuggle more into his arms, turning towards him and resting his cheek against the fluff of his hood. The prince felt so small in Horror's arms, and honestly, he liked it. He felt safe. "So warm....." He whispered before closing his eyes, drifting to sleep.

Horror was frozen for a few minutes, his large red eye fixated on the sleeping skeleton in his arms. He didn't expect Night to snuggle against him and fall asleep. The iron grip the smaller had on Horror's hoodie made sure that the larger wouldn't leave any time soon. It was risky, but Horror gave in and accepted that he was going to stay in the cell. He was lucky he left a stone in the door so it wouldn't close. Carefully, he moved to the wall of the cell, keeping his movements slow so he wouldn't wake Night. With a sigh, he leaned against the wall, his legs crossed and Night in his arms. His gaze trailed back down to the smaller skeleton in his arms. He had to admit, Night was adorable when he was asleep. He could also see that Night was relaxed, the tension in his body had mostly faded away. A small smile found itself on Horror's face as he laid his head back against the stone wall, glancing up at the ceiling. Horror's eyes slowly closed as he drifted to sleep, not noticing the small smile forming on Night's face.

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