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Horror didn't even notice how long it had been until he felt a tap on his shoulder. Nearly taking the skeleton's head off, he whipped around and stared at the monster, his pupil slit much like a cat's. The monochrome skeleton backed away with his hands raised, showing he meant no harm, though he was ready to attack in case the larger were to pounce on him. Horror blinked, his pupil slowly dilating back to its more docile state. He muttered an apology to Cross and turned back to his task, quickly folding up the last of the clothes and placing them into their separate piles. As much as he hated doing the laundry, it was quite relaxing.

Cross slowly approached the larger skeleton and came up to his side, the scarf over his mouth hiding most of his face as he looked up. "Boss told me to see what you were doing."

"Finishing the laundry..." Horror responded with a shrug, handing Cross his pile of clothing. The skeleton took it with a thanks and walked out of the room. Horror watched the other leave the room, leaving him alone with everyone else's clothes. Assuming that none of the others were going to show up, he gathered each pile and went off to their respective homes, walking into each room and setting the clothes on the bed before moving to the next. He huffed as he took the last of the clothes to his room. When he was recruited for the team, he thought he was going to partake in all the missions they do, not do the basic house chores. He understood that he was the newest member of the group, but it has been almost 6 months since he's joined, and he's still assigned to the chores. The larger pushed open his room door with his shoulder and walked in, placing the clothes on the floor next to his bed before plopping onto the well-worn mattress. He had an hour to spare before he needed to prepare lunch, so he might as well use his time while he has it.

Night traced shapes in the ground beneath him, still trying to wrap his head around the recent visit from the broken skeleton. Not only did he stay and talk to him, but he left so suddenly, which surprised Night. The prince never would've guessed that Horror would actually talk to him and spend some time getting to know him, even if it was just talking about food. A small smile crept to his face as he thought about Horror's laugh. It was genuine, even if it was nothing but a small chuckle. It's the first time he's heard a genuine laugh in a long time and he liked it. He couldn't help but think about the larger skeleton. Although Horror looked scary, he wasn't a bad guy. It was quite deceiving, but then again Blue looked like he wouldn't hurt a fly when in reality he could kill with a single blow of his hammer.

Night jumped nearly a foot when he heard the cell door unlock, the wooden door slowly opening with a creak. Any positive emotions in him immediately disappeared and were replaced with fear as he watched the yellow-tinged tentacle poke around the door. Bruised ribs rattled underneath his tunic as Shattered stepped into the room, a not so happy look on his face. Usually when Shattered entered the room, he had some kind of smirk or grin, though this time he looked pissed off about something, and Night really hoped he didn't cause it.

Shattered narrowed his eyes on the smaller skeleton in the cell as he walked into the room. Though the feelings were very faint, he felt the positive emotions emitting from the smaller, and he was not happy. Night was supposed to be suffering and in pain, not happy and smiling. His tentacle slammed into the nearby wall, causing a dent in the stone, cracks forming around the dent. The sudden movement made Night flinch and Shattered chuffed, feeling the fear grow inside of his twin. "So, mind telling me what's gotten you so happy dear brother." He spoke the last word with venom, his golden eyelight glaring daggers at the smaller. When he got no response, he growled and wrapped a tentacle around Night's neck, forcing him up. Night gasped and weakly clawed at the tendril, lilac tears pricking the corners of his eyes. "Answer when I speak to you!" Shattered shouted, the limb tightening around Night's throat, causing him to choke.

Night tried to respond, but the growing pressure around his throat caused him to only let out weak noises. When he felt the tendril loosen a bit, he gasped and sent a light glare at Shattered, causing the darker to quirk a brow. Night still didn't respond, only giving a small growl at the darker. He wasn't going to tell him anything.

"That's a shame. Might as well force the words out of you." He threw Night to the ground, causing the smaller to grunt and curl up. The darker one snapped his fingers and two of his lackeys appeared behind him. Night looked up with fearful eyes as he stared at the two skeletons on either side of Shattered. Killer and Ink. "Break him." Shattered ordered, turning and leaving the room.

Night panicked as the two approached him. Killer flipped the knife in his hands and smirked with no emotion behind the smile. Ink stared at Night with cold, emotionless eyes as he teleported behind the smaller and ripped off his tunic while Killer ripped off his pants and discarded the clothing away from them. His smile grew as he looked over the abused purple ecto on Night's body. Old cuts already closed up and scarred over. "Tsk. Looks like it's time to decorate you again~" He grinned, pulling his shorts down and exposing his already hard member. "Ink, keep him quiet would ya."

Ink blinked and forced Night to his stomach. The smaller screamed in protest and kicked his legs, making Ink roll his eyes in annoyance. He took his dark gray member out of his pants and pushed his thumb past Night's teeth. "Shut up." He forced his cock down Night's throat, making the smaller gag and choke, tears falling down his cheeks as he choked on the member in his mouth. "Bite it, and I'll break your jaw." Ink spat, already bucking his hips into the prince's mouth.

Killer smirked and spread Night's legs, exposing the plump, lavender folds. With no preparation, he plunged into Night's entrance. The smaller screamed before it was cut off with a rough thrust into his throat, causing him to choke. "Fuck, you're always so tight." Killer groaned and began thrusting into Night, not caring about the muffled screams and cries coming from the skeleton. Picking up his knife, he twirled it in his fingers before gripping it and brushing the tip against Night's back. "Hmmm. How about I draw a nice little butterfly right here. Whaddya say?" He chuckled as Night tried to shake his head, but it was no use as Ink thrusted into his mouth. "Is that a yes? Let's do it then." He laughed and slowly dragged the knife into the pseudo-flesh, the choked back scream being music to his ears.

Both skeletons violently fucked into Night, Killer slashing his knife against Night's back. Lavender magic spilled from the wounds and dripped to the floor, causing a puddle to form underneath Night. The prince cried, wanting this nightmare to be over. He heard a grunt from Killer before his movements sped up, causing Night to shriek, which in turn caused Ink to let out a quiet groan, his movements also speeding up. Killer dropped the knife and gripped Night's hips, roughly pounding into his tight pussy. He was close and he wanted to make sure he was deep inside the smaller before he came, wanting to make sure he decorates his insides much like he did with his outside. He pushed right into Night's womb. The prince let out a moan, the vibrations causing Ink to grunt and grab Night's skull, forcing him to deepthroat his cock as he came in his mouth. Night gagged on the fluid and was forced to swallow.

Killer let out a groan and slammed into Night, cumming hard into his womb. The prince's eyes widened as he felt the hot, sticky fluid spill into him. He whined and his thighs shook. Killer rode out his high before pulling out, Ink following. Night curled up on the floor and sobbed, his body violently shaking. With a smirk, Killer pulled his shorts up and got to his feet, looking down on the mess below him. "Heh. I can't wait to break you again." He chuffed and picked up his knife, strolling out of the room with Ink.

Night slowly got to his hands and knees and vomited, feeling all of Ink's semen leave his throat. He felt Killer's fluids leak out of him and drip to the ground, joining the puddle of fluids. He started dry gagging and fell back on the ground, curling up in the corner. His throat felt raw. His body felt broken. He hiccupped. There was too much pain in his body for him to move anymore. He wrapped his arms around himself and sobbed, wishing for Horror to come back. 

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