Little Chat

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Horror woke up early the next morning, quickly getting his shoes on and walking to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. If he had one use in this castle, it was to make sure everyone was fed, and that meant everyone, including the skeleton down in the dungeon. Bacon sizzled quietly in the pan as Horror chopped up some fruit, placing the cut pieces into a bowl and mixing them. He prepared the plates on the table, along with a plate set aside for Night. He snuck some of the best looking pieces for Night, making sure to fill the plate with crispy bacon and freshly cut fruit. He had to make sure Night had enough food, since he was in charge of him now. The plate was hidden in the microwave, that way it was safe from being seen, and it could retain the heat of the bacon. Furrowing his brows, Horror tried to remember if he was only supposed to feed him once a day, or for every meal. The large skeleton shrugged to himself. Might as well feed the smaller skeleton all meals of the day. He made quick work of setting the table, placing the dishes of food down in the middle so everyone could reach. He had a lot of mouths to feed after all. He took his seat at the table and waited patiently for the rest of the team.

It wasn't long before the other skeletons wandered their way into the kitchen, making their way to the table and taking a seat. They began to grab food once their boss had arrived and took his seat, granting them permission to feast. Breakfast was always quiet, everyone still in the stages of waking up. Horror took note of the angry glares and sleepy expressions on each of the other skeletons at the table. The larger knew that no one liked being woken up early, but their boss had made it very clear that they should be up and ready for breakfast at this time, no matter how many hours of sleep they got. Shattered made a small announcement to the group, explaining to them the plan for the day. Everyone nodded and finished up their food, each one shuffling out of the kitchen once they were finished with their breakfast.

Dust was the last to leave the table, leaving Horror and Shattered alone in the kitchen. Horror shifted in his seat, not liking the way Shattered was staring him down. It made him feel uncomfortable. He averted his gaze and fiddled with the hem of his shirt. Shattered noticed the larger's change in behavior and chuffed, finding his uncomfortable state rather amusing. The fallen god knew that this skeleton would be valuable, and not because he was physically intimidating and strong, but he was the only one who obeyed and did what he was told. Shattered thought he was nothing more than an obedient pet, something that's easy to push around and command, but also smart enough to figure things out on its own. A plus to all of this was the massive hole in Horror's head, which made him forget things easily unless they were ingrained into him. With one hard lesson, Horror became the team's cook and caretaker. He figured out how to make meals and took care of everyone's injuries when needed. The perfect pet.

The darker cleared his throat, gaining the other's attention. "Horror, I need you to stay home from the mission today. Being the new member and all, I want you to take care of the castle while we're out." He stood up from his chair, moving over to the larger skeleton and standing next to him. "I'm sure you understand that you still have to feed Night. If he does anything out of place, don't hesitate to hurt him." He raised his hand up and cupped Horror's cheek, making the broken skeleton look at him. "You can do all that, right?" Horror responded with a twitchy nod, barely moving away from Shattered's hand. The darker retracted his arm and stepped away, turning towards the door. "Good boy. I will take care of Night later. Be sure to complete all your chores before I return."

Horror watched his boss leave the room. Once he was sure Shattered was out of sight, he wiped his face with his sleeve, seeing the dark smear on the fabric grow. He hated it when Shattered touched him, it made him feel way too uncomfortable for his own liking. He wasn't a fucking pet. Horror growled and stood up from the chair, collecting the dishes from the table and setting them in the sink. He would worry about washing them later, now he had to go feed the skeleton in the dungeon. Grabbing the plate from the microwave, Horror made his way down the stairs to the dungeon, pushing open the metal door and shutting it behind himself. Making his way towards Night's cell.

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