relationship? heat again? and more?

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The two come out of Felix's room the next morning as Hyunjins rut has finished and Felix's heat had also finished.

To say Felix was glad was an understatement at best. He's definitely overjoyed that his heat is over and glad he finally has someone to spend it with, if he so chooses so.

Hyunjin on the other hand kinda wishes they had more time to get to know each other.

But that's where they both think dating is something essential for the two of them especially since they are both from two different countries.

So that brings to everyones attention, are they in a relationship or not?

🐺: So.... Are you two together together or only together because your soulmates?

🥟: Together together if Felix allows me to court him and get to know him better!

🐥: How can I say no to that? Of course I'll let you court me! So that means we are together together

🐺: amazing!

One thing though.... Felix usually stays in his room after his heat so he can have a full day to feel like himself. So, when his Mum sees him come out of his room she is entirely confused about it.

Lena: Felix love, how are you feeling?

🐥: Amazing!

Lena: So do you feel like your heat is over?

🥟: Why are you worried about that?

Lena: He usually stays in his room the day after his heat ends so he can feel better eventually...

🐺: So....

🥟: *interrupts Chan* Does that mean he's going back into heat?

Lena: Most likely

🐺: That would make sense since this is his first time being in heat since he's met his soulmate and also found out the truth about his Omega

Lena: That's not all....

🐺 & 🐥: What do you mean that's not all?!

Lena: I got a call from the doctors about Felix's Omega. He's more than just a healing one.....

🐥: What is it Mum?

Lena: Your also a Luna

🐺: So your meaning he's a Luna of a pack?!

Lena: Yeah, the doctor said concerning his age he should of already known this especially since his eyes are such a bright blue....

🐥: So.... Your saying I technically have more than one soulmate?

Lena: Yes... But you have the permanent one because of you being a healer

🐺: I think I know his pack...

Lena & 🐥: Who?

🐺 & 🥟: Our friends....

🐺: It always felt like we were missing someone....

🥟: yeah... Now that I think if it...


Sorry for taking so long to update. Things have been absolutely hectic for me. The best thing though, is I have a new phone! Anyway I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and have an amazing day/ evening! 💙

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