Chapter Three - Day One, Love K

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Hey Elmo, 

So I guess I'm doing it, I'm not a good writer and my handwriting is shit but as promised, here you go. 

I miss you so much already. It's only been a couple of hours since I left, but as you'd annoyingly say it feels like forever, you're so dramatic. Saying goodbye to you doesn't get easier but I can't wait for the games and everything to start. 

I hope you were okay when I left, I know you cried. I know you always do, but I hope you know I felt like crying too. 

The flight to Spain was a okay I guess. I sat next to Caitlin, and she hardly spoke to me, she sat with her Ipad and just watched a movie. I watched Brave but only because the accents made me giggle. Your Scottish accent is too good. 

The plane itself wasn't too bad. It was better than going back to Aus. I thought about 

When we finally landed in Spain, and I think that's when I actually got excited. The city is great but I , and the energy here is just like normal with a little bit of stress but other than that all good. 

Finally I'm back with Mini, I reckon it's the longest we've been apart in ages, and it so fun having Charli, Mini and Harper back. 

I walked through the door and saw Mini, she was like 'Is there something you need to tell me' she wanted to hear everything about Australia and you and me and everything. She already thinks we should get married in Europe, I wondered what you thought? we didn't get time to talk about it. I always imagined getting married at home, but I wouldn't want to get married without everyone we want. Maybe it's a question that you can just answer cause I've got no idea. 

But the best part was getting to see all the new pictures of Mini and Clara's bubs Koby. He's so big already, ! Each photo you showed me melted my heart a little more. Seeing Koby and Harper with him just made me think about what our future would look like? We have time for that though. 

Imagining us with a little one, whether it's a child or the stupid cat you want so bad fills me with I don't even know what to call it, I guess it's just love but something else mixed in with it that I'm sure I'll know one day. I know we'll make wonderful parents, and I can't wait to give you the family you want. 

That first night in bed, I felt lots of different things. I was excited for the Olympics but missed you so much. Even with all the excitement, I just wanted to be with you. But I know you'll be okay and you'll be with me soon. 

I can't wait to get the pictures back from the photographer from last night, I can't wait for it. I'm so excited I hope you're still on cloud 9 about everything. 

Okay I've got to sleep now, it's late. I love you, I miss you and I can't wait to see you. 

Love Kyra. 

Across the Ocean With You - Kyra Cooney-CrossWhere stories live. Discover now