Chapter Four - Blackout

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The first day without Kyra felt strange and empty. I woke up to the sound of my alarm, groaning as I remembered that I had to catch an early train into London. The sun was barely up, and the sky outside my window was painted in shades of pink and orange. I quickly got ready, grabbing a light breakfast and a cup of coffee to keep me awake.

The train ride felt long I hadn't done it in so long and I haven't done it by myself since I got to St Albans all those months ago. I stared out the window, watching the countryside blur into the bustling cityscape. 

My mind kept drifting to Kyra, imagining her already at camp in the Spain sun, getting ready for her first training session. I missed her so much, but I knew she was doing what she loved.

When I finally arrived in London, I made my way to Zoe's office at London Zoost. The city was already alive with people rushing to work, tourists snapping pictures, and the usual London hustle and bustle. 

The office building was sleek and modern, a stark contrast to my home here, I entered the office, greeted by the unfamiliar faces of Zoe's team here. Everyone was friendly, but I couldn't shake the feeling of anxiety bubbling inside me. Then I finally saw Bec.

Bec was so cool, just like she was the first time I met her. 

"Hey Els" she smiled whilst engulfing me into a tight hug. 

"Bec" I smiled against her. 

"Come on" she quickly gestured me into her office.

Today's conference call was important. It wasn't just about logistics of everything it was about our family's future.

I settled into her office, setting up my laptop. The time difference meant our call was scheduled for 9 am London time, which was late afternoon for Zoe and Laura back in Australia. I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves as the call connected.

Zoe's face appeared on the screen first, followed by Laura's. They all looked tired but determined. 

"Ella, Hi Darling" Zoe said with a small smile. "How are you holding up?"

I forced a smile in return. "I'm good"

Laura nodded sympathetically. "How are you Bec?"

She replied, simply and the first part of the call was just silly little chatting. I finally interjected. 

"There is something I wanted to tell you all" my face was glowing but inside I was nervous. 

"You're not pregnant are you?" Laura jokingly asked. 

I giggled "I don't think Kyra has the facilities for that Loz" I shook my head. 

Everyone giggled, and Laura just held her hands up in defeat. 

"Alright well we were going to call you together but I she won't care." I quickly spun my engagement ring around so the diamond was now showing and I held my hand up to the screen. 

The reactions from Bec, Zoe, and Laura were priceless.

Zoe's eyes widened in surprise, and a huge grin spread across her face. "Ella! That's amazing!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine happiness. 

Laura's voice finally filled the speakers "I knew something was different about you today. Oh, my goodness, I'm so happy for you both!" She leaned back in her chair, clapping her hands together in excitement. "We have to celebrate when I'm back. El I'm so happy for you!"

Bec, always the composed, broke into a rare, genuine smile. "Congratulations, Ella. This is great news. I'm thrilled for you. You both have been through so much, and it's wonderful to see you so happy." She nodded approvingly. 

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