Chapter Fourteen - In the moment

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The next few days were a whirlwind, Katie and I packed up and prepared to travel to Nice for the Matildas next game. The sting of the loss to Germany still lingered, but there wasn't time to keep being down about it. 

The team had to keep moving forward, and so did we. There was a strange comfort in the chaos, knowing that every day was closer to knowing how far the girls could go in the race for gold and it kept my mind occupied, and that was exactly what I needed.

Traveling to Nice felt like a fresh start in some ways. The journey itself was long but manageable, with just enough time to reflect without getting lost in thought. The  coastline was stunning, a perfect blend of blues and greens, and for a moment, I let myself breathe in the beauty of it all. 

Katie was a steady presence beside me throughout the trip, and there was a new sense of understanding between us. After our conversation, the awkwardness that had been lingering between us had melted away. 

She didn't push me to talk, didn't ask me to explain more than I was ready to, but I knew she was there if I needed her. It was a relief to have someone who knew what was going on, who wasn't demanding answers or trying to fix things but just accepting them as they were. It made everything around us, the constant moving, the packed schedules, the endless stream of people more bearable.

By the time we arrived in Nice, I felt a sense of calm settling in. There was still so much going on, so much I couldn't control, but at least I wasn't dealing with it alone. We settled into our hotel, unpacking our things and getting ready for the days ahead. 

The next morning Nice started it off with the soft, warm glow of sunlight filtering through the thin curtains in my hotel room. Katie and I were no longer sharing a bed, and finally had two separate beds in the same room and after the whirlwind of travel and settling in, it was nice to sleep with my arms and legs sprawled out without a care in the world of accidentally whacking Katie in the face. 

I woke up feeling somewhat refreshed, even if the nerves from the previous few days still lingered in the background. But there was something else today that I was able to be excited about I was finally going to catch up with Kyra, and after everything that had been going on, it felt like exactly what I needed.

The streets of Nice were just beginning to wake up as I followed the maps on the phone. The air was crisp, with a hint of salt from the nearby sea, and the gentle hum of the city was a welcome contrast to the chaos that had filled our days lately. 

The café was tucked away on a quiet corner, with small tables spilling out onto the sidewalk. It had that cute and quaint European charm.

I arrived first and chose a table outside, under an awning that provided just the right amount of shade. The chairs were comfortable, the kind you could sink into, and I found myself relaxing as I waited for Kyra. 

My mind wandered to all the things I wanted to tell her, but as the minutes ticked by, I realised that just being with her would be enough. Words didn't always come easily, especially when things were complicated, but with Kyra, I never felt the pressure to explain myself. She just got it or at least, she got me.

I was sitting there, my leg crossed hanging over my knee and that's when I saw her crossing the road and walking towards me, her smile was the first thing I noticed. It was the kind of smile that could light up an entire room, and seeing it directed at me made something inside me ease. 

She looked effortlessly cool, as always, in a simple white tee and shorts, her hair pulled back into a casual messy bun. There was an energy about her, a kind of quiet confidence that made everything seem a little less overwhelming.

Across the Ocean With You - Kyra Cooney-CrossWhere stories live. Discover now