Chapter Two - Au revoir

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The sun rose slowly over London, casting a golden hue over the town as Kyra and I made our way to our favourite coffee shop. The morning was unusually still, almost as if the world itself was pausing to acknowledge the weight of the day. We had arranged to meet some friends for coffee , our last moment before the whirlwind of the Olympics would take her away.

Kyra's hand was warm in mine as we walked, her thumb gently tracing circles on my skin. We didn't speak much, we didn't need to. The silence between us was comfortable, filled with unspoken understanding. We finally reached the café, and there they were. Steph, Dean, Alessia, Katie, Caitlin, Viv, Beth and Ella Mac already settled out the front taking in the unusual British sun.

"Morning!" Steph greeted us with a smile, her eyes flicking knowingly between Kyra and me. 

The rest of our friends echoed her greeting, their faces reflecting a mix of excitement and the bittersweet acknowledgment of Kyra's imminent departure.

"Let me see the ring" Ella Mac bellowed instantly taking my left hand and staring at the perfect shiny gold and the sparkly radiant cut diamond was glistening as she moved my hand back and forth.

"How are you two feeling?" Katie jumped in, taking my hand and looking at my ring for her third time since the proposal. 

"We're good" Kyra replied softly, placing her hand on my knee "We're happy" her words fell out like butter.

As we sipped our coffees and nibbled on sweets, the conversation flowed easily. Stories, jokes, and laughter filled the air, temporarily masking the underlying sadness of the occasion. I found myself clinging to each moment, trying to etch the memory of this morning into my mind.

Kyra was quieter than usual, her eyes occasionally drifting to me with a look that said everything words couldn't. I squeezed her hand under the table, a silent reminder that I was here, that I loved her, that I would be waiting.

When it was time to leave, there were hugs all around. 

"She'll be fine Kyra" Dean said, giving her a tight embrace. "I've got her you just need to bring home some silverware" 

She knew he had my back, so she just smiled and nodded the others echoed similar sentiments, their support palpable.

We walked back to our flat in a comfortable silence, the weight of our impending separation pressing down on us. Once inside, we spent the rest of the morning together, curled up on the couch watching old movies. Kyra's head rested on my shoulder, and I stroked her hair, savouring the softness, the familiarity.

"Mum will be in bed I reckon, she's been waiting to see the ring" Kyra gushed quietly against my head. 

"Call her" I simply replied excited to speak to Jess again. 

Kyra tapped on her phone, finding her mum's contact, and hit the Facetime button. The ringing felt like it went on forever, and then, the screen lit up with the familiar, warm face of Kyra's mum, Jess. Her eyes crinkled with a smile as she greeted us.

"Hello, darlings! How are you both?"

"We're good, Mum," Kyra replied, her voice filled with warmth.

Kyra glanced at me, giving me the silent cue to reveal our new beginning. I lifted my hand to the camera, the ring catching the light.

"I said yes!" I said, my voice trembling with excitement.

Jess's face lit up with pure joy. "Oh my goodness! Congratulations, my loves! I'm so happy for you both!"

She placed a hand over her heart, her eyes misting over with emotion. "I'm just so happy for you. Tell me everything! How did it happen?"

Kyra and I took turns recounting the proposal, each detail making Jess smile wider. I told her about the surprise at the flat, the big light-up letters, and how Kyra had guided me forward with that loving, reassuring touch. Kyra added her perspective, talking about her nervousness and excitement, how she had planned everything to her type of perfection.

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